Prologue: The Hero Before is a Villain Today

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NOTE: Saitama is a 26 years old invincible hero who can one punch any opponents, he remains undefeated and bored of fighting. This story is an Alternate Version of himself, so his character settings here is different from the canon Saitama.

In the alternate timeline where Saitama cares a bit about himself in doing his hobby of a hero.

Saitama was tired of not getting known by the people from his hero works.

He loses confidence and the inspiration of doing the heroic deeds.

He was the reason why the hero association existed.

He was the reason why the city level threat monsters are gone before the heroes existed.

He was the reason why the evil gods can't make a move.

He was the reason why other people are saved.

He was the reason why the world is safe.

And the world he lived was unfair for him, the society never acknowledged his presence.

Because no one was there to see him in action

And that is why, Saitama shows great emotion of feeling bad of not getting known in the entire world.

And after 3 years about the existence of the hero association, Saitama discovers the hero association when he read a newspaper and was a bit angry of not getting known by the media.

He was also the reason that he saved the chinned little boy against the crab monster before he become so strong that he can one punch his opponent

The chinned boy's father was the founder of the hero association, and was clueless about the man who save his son.

But what does that matter if no one acknowledged Saitama's strength?

He fail to meet Genos, he fail to get recruited in the Hero Association, he fail to meet other heroes before getting to know more about him.

That's because this is the ALTERNATE TIMELINE of himself.

No one will acknowledge him in the end since he already reached the limit of his PATIENCE.

Saitama still becomes a hero who nobody knows.

Saitama feels a little uninspired. He is tired of doing heroic deeds, he then stops and overthink.

Saitama lay down in the bed inside his quiet room during noon, staring with a depressed expression, he start to overthink about his existence.

Alone, no one can understand him, and he decided to stop his hobby and let the other do the job of a hero.

And that is when a enigmatic voice speaks in Saitama's inner thoughts

???: "Do you despise the world?"

Saitama was baffled when he touches his bald head when someone speaks in his mind.

Saitama: "who?"

???: "Do you despise these greedy humans who stole your credits?"

Saitama was overthinking about what the enigmatic entity talks about, he looks up as he responded in a regretful tone

Saitama: "I do..."

The enigmatic voice around Saitama's head suddenly became silent, but after awhile, it talks in a caring deep tone

???: "The world is unfair for you my child, you need to replenish yourself and not let the world manipulate you again"

Saitama was a bit surprised about this unknown entity trying to comfort him, he don't know this entity is just manipulating him or not but Saitama feels a little bit of relief about someone knowing his existence.

Saitama: "do you know about me? how do you know about my heroic deeds?"

The enigmatic voice chuckled deeply as it responded him

???: "I know you since you are born, you are a gifted child, no one will understand you except me, let me hear your problems and I will resolve it for you"

Saitama listens to this enigmatic voice around his head, he just smile slightly as he sighed deeply and shares his sad thoughts

Saitama: "The world is unfair, I was not credited, I was not known from the world by saving humans against monsters, I was rejected and judged by the society because of my appearance. What does the world mean to me?"

The enigmatic listens, it feels contempt and pity, it understands the point of the caped baldy

???: "The world doesn't need you, you needed yourself, just follow your heart"

Saitama listens to the enigmatic voice as he thinks about it, he responded in a tone of honesty

Saitama: "What do you mean by that? I always follow my heart of doing the good deeds"

The enigmatic voice still linger around his mind, doesn't surrender to convince him about the humans being the greedy pests.

???: "Acting as a hero is a pain in the ass, let the others do the job because you will never be credited, doing hero works will just allow others to gain credits instead of you"

Saitama realized this, but what makes it more bad about it is the world will soon collapse without his presence.

Saitama: "The world will collapse without me"

The enigmatic entity soon understands him, but the more Saitama talks about his existence, the more the entity is trying to convince him to stop what the world will do to him.

???: "Do not work hero again, do what you can do with your power, do the opposite and the world will know you, be the villain and reach the top of the world without relying others..."

Realizing the goals and boundaries between Saitama and the World, the caped baldy soon realized that his existence is just a nothing for the people's eyes. Saitama made his final decisions

Saitama: "A villain isn't bad afterall?"

Saitama after getting succumbed from the darkness and his hatred to the entire world.

The enigmatic entity vanishes when it saw Saitama decided to become a villain but it says

???: "I will watch over you, so you won't be alone to hesitate to fight against any opponent you deem nuisance"

Saitama's eyes are starting to fill with darkness and hatred, against the world who doesn't know his strength, soon the people will realize that Saitama is a great threat who they not acknowledged his deeds before the disaster.

The nonchalant Saitama before who saves people, is now becoming a cold villain who will now wreck havoc to the entire city.

How will Saitama make his first villainous action?


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