Chapter 1

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Your pov:
*Its now one month after the incident in the mall and you're getting ready for school. You suddenly hear your phone ring and it's Bose*

You: Hello?

Bose: Hey love.

You: Bose, we talked about this, you make me blush too much with the nicknames.

Bose: I know, that's why I say them.

You: What did you want?

Bose: Did you make up your mind? Do you want to join?

You: Maybe...

Bose: Oh my gosh! No way! That's an upgrade! Last time you said "let me think about it"!

You: I've had a month to think, I just don't want to get hurt again.

Bose: You're not gonna get hurt again, I'll make sure of it.

You: Thanks for your concern Bose, but I'm pretty sure I'm fine protecting myself.

Bose: Last time you said that you ended up almost dead with a slit throat.

You: That wasn't my fault! There was a masked dude who tortured me!

Bose: Whatever, get to school quickly please! Mika has started her daily rant about how important math is!

You: Lol! I'll be there soon.

*You hang up and finish what your doing then head to school*

Boses pov:
Mika: Im just saying, Math is important because how else would be be able to do taxes?

Miles: Mika, we're 17 we don't have to do "taxes" yet.

Mika: I'm just saying for when we ha-

You: Hey guys!

Chapa: Hi y/n!

Bose: You made it! Finally, Mika is being sooo boring!

Mika: Hey!!

Chapa: No one cares about maths Mika.

*The bell rings*

Miles: Wow! How ironic I have maths now!

Chapa: Lol same!

Bose: We'll see you guys later then.

You: What do you guys have? (To Mika and Bose)

Mika: Science

Bose: Art

You: I have Science too, I guess we'll see you later

Bose: Bye then.

Your pov: (sorry if Boses pov was short, I'll make the next one longer)
*You and Mika walk to the science lab and sit in your seats. Miss Betty comes in and tells the class to take your books out*

Miss Betty: I have something to deal with so just work on what we were doing last lesson.

*She leaves the room and you spot her yelling at another teacher*

Mika: What do you think that fuss is about?

You: Miss Betty looks like she's mad at Mr James.
(Y'all see where I'm heading with this?)

Mika: I saw Mr James with Miss Augustine, are they together?

You: Can't be, Mr James and Miss Betty are dating.

Mika: Do you wanna spy on them? We might be
able to hear what they're saying.

You: Yesss!

*You and Mika walk to the door and try to hear what the teachers are saying*

Mika: I think I can hear what their saying.

*You listen closer and hear what the teachers are saying, very clearly*

Miss Betty: How could you do this to me you know how much pain you caused me?!

Mr James: I didn't mean to, Augustine just came to me!

Miss Betty: And you decided to ditch me and go with her?!

Mr James: Betty, forgive me! I already went to your party and told you sorry!

Miss Betty: And I didn't forgive you for that! Why did you do this to me?!

Mr James: It was just for one summer! I dreamt of you the whole time though!

Miss Betty: You thought of me while you were sleeping with her?! Also, I'm mad that you cheated on me but I'm even more mad about how I only found out from Inez!

Mr James: Inez told you?

Miss Betty: We are never ever getting back together James!

*Suddenly the door opens before you have time to get back to your seat*

Mika: Miss Betty? W-What's wrong?


You: Please Miss Betty, we didn't mean do spy!

Boses pov:
*Im in art class minding my own business when this boy comes up to me and starts yelling*

Boy: What's wrong with you!?

Bose: What?

Boy: Seriously dude! Why are you with y/n!?

Bose: Uh, cause I can?

Boy: Honestly you are stupid!

Bose: What? Who are you?

Boy: Never mind who I am! What's so wrong with you!? Why are you with y/n!?

Bose: Cause we both like each other! What's so wrong with y/n?

Boy: She's so annoying and ugly and she complains about how "depressed and traumatised" she is!

Bose: But she's been through a lot!

Boy: She hasn't been through anything!

*Before I could answer he throws a punch at me*

Bose: What was that for?!

Boy: To get your head right!!

*By that time the whole class was watching including Miss Augustine. I grabbed the boy and threw 2 punches before he fought back.*

Miss Augustine: That's it! Get off each other boys!

Bose: He started it!

Miss Augustine: I don't care who started it! You both get detention!

Boy: But miss!!

Miss Augustine: No buts! After school detention for both of you!
IM BACKKK!!! This is the first chapter for part 2 of the brainstorm x y/n story. Pretty lame ending but I promise I'll try to make it better. Also the new chapter might come out at different times (daily ofc but not the same time) , I just have school so it may be hard

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