Draco: We are under the Black Lake, so nobody will get the idea to break the windows. The password for the common room changes every fortnight and is posted on a notice board inside. You cannot enter the Evergreens' common room without the password, so remember it, is that clear?

The children nod, frightened and confused, the only child who doesn't seem the least bit frightened or confused is the same one I saw earlier, with ash blonde hair and green eyes.

Pancy: We are now divided into boys and girls, the boys with Draco and the girls with me.

My sister nods at me and I wink at her.

Me: See you in five minutes.

Me: See you in five minutes

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Aurora's POV

I smile and follow Pancy, we come to a spiral staircase made of black marble, after a few steps it leads to the different dormitories.

After the last group of girls have found their rooms, Pancy shows me a hidden door.

Pancy: That's our room.

Me: Ours? I knew the prefects could have a single room, so I thought...

Pancy: Well, mine was a single room, but I asked them to add a bed because I didn't want to be alone and you're new, so...

Me: So they put me in your room.

She walks past me and opens the door, I am pleasantly impressed as I enter the room; the walls are a bright emerald green with reflections of the lake dancing harmoniously on every inch of the room. There are two four-poster beds made of black wood with green velvet sheets.

A fireplace warmed the room, two marble snakes slithered to the top of it where the two heads crossed. A strange sound attracted my attention, I looked down and saw a black tail disappearing behind my legs.

Zephyr: Praw...

I pick him up and start to scratch his head and Zephyrus starts to purr, Pancy comes over and looks at Zephyrus tenderly.

Someone knocks on the door and Pancy giggles and runs to the door; a girl with long blonde hair enters the room with her mouth open.

Daphne: OMG, Pancy! This room is so cool!

I had never seen such a beautiful girl, she was absurdly elegant, wearing a black headband and a pearl necklace. Her eyes were green with brown flecks, her smile was bright and her lips... why wasn't I born like that?

Her gaze rests on me, then she looks at Pancy and me again; she comes closer, examines me closely and then gives Zephyr a caress.

Daphne: Hi, I'm Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass, how are you?

She offers me her hand, which I shake.

Me: Aurora H...

Daphne: I know who you are...

-The Children of Darkness- The Riddle SiblingsWhere stories live. Discover now