Weeks later, the plan was settled, today was the time, the wedding day has come. Everyone were all gathered in the cathedral, now restored and remodeled. All succubi came and were seated to await for the ceremony to begin. All the food has been placed in different places for the people to eat right after, and the decorations all stand out and shimmer in the Asmodeus flair. While everything was getting started, Filimena was in the dressing room, she wore her wedding dress, finally, after such a long time of waiting, she gets to see it while wearing it all on her own. The two Succubi, Kira and Kia were admiring her look.

"Oh, my, stars! You look gorgeous!

Kia said, amazed by how FIlimena's appearance is, happy even.

"Man, I can't believe it's happening, never thought I'd see a day where this love spirit gets to marry the man of Lust."

Kira commented, Filimena was astonished, she stared into her mirror, sees her reflection. She felt confident while staring into herself.

"It's...Really happening, after years of awaiting, it's here."

"Well, the ceremony's about to begin! Don't forget the bouquet I got for you! see you at the alter!"

Kia runs out to the door, Kira follows her, catching up to her. Then May passes by them to get inside the dressing room. She sees Filimena on the stand, and walks up to her.

"Hey, you look good."

Filimena heard her voice and looks around, she's surprised to see May while she wore her dress. It was wear to see her in a different outfit, but it suits her in that manner.

"Oh, Hi May, glad you see you here."

She smiled, comes down to her level.

"Yeah, I couldn't miss it, so, today's the day huh? Finally getting the man of your dreams, I never thought this day would come, it's kinda surprising how much time it already passed."

"Hehe, yes, it's time, May, I'm very happy you're here, it really meant a lot for you to show up."

"Yeah don't sweat it, I'm just..It's going to be different with you now being the queen of this Ring and all, or whatever happens next, I don't know what I'm gonna do without ya."

"Hey, I'll still visit, and you can visit as much as you like too. We are not going to be separate forever, just know while we're far away, we know we can still hang out, like old days."

"...I know, It's just..I never thought I'd be willing to see you grown to this point, I just hope you and Asmodeus will live happily."

Filimena smiles.


Filimena held her hand, May smirks and gave her a side hug, her grip was a little tight. The girls shared their moment before Fizzarolli comes in the room with he enthusiastic moves to burst down the door.

"Alright! Come on now! The ceremony is starting, we have to go!"

That was the cue for everyone to leave, but before Filimena could also go, Fizzarolli stops her for a moment. Filimena was confused of why he stopped her if they have to hurry, He then closes the door.

"Wait, before you go, there's something I want to talk to you about, it's real quick, promise."

Filimena doesn't understand, but she lets him speak.

"Oh, of course, what is it?"

"Well...Fei, before you go, I just want to let you know something. Asmodeus..He's a great guy, he has a big heart, and a bright personality, but something you have to understand was this. He had done some kind things, when I met him, he was...Important to me, he helped me with most of where I was coming from, the reason how I got into this in the first place, and he's more than just my boss or my friend, he's..A whole new level. When you arrive, he was a whole different man, like as if he found a piece, a piece of something that he lost so long ago. I have to say I was pretty jealous, however, the more I see you with him, the more I knew you were the one he wanted. You know, when I first worked with him, he use to talk so much about you."

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