chapter 10 - goodbyes and visits

Start from the beginning

We both laughed and went into the restaurant and got our orders.

With him paying of course.

After finishing, we shared some drinks since we had some minutes left before we had to go back

Yun - so I heard about you and that girl, that one you never really mentioned until now

Y/N - Min-Jeong? Yeah, me and her. She's the reason I started in the first place

Yun - you kids, bring me back to my first love.

Y/N - who was she hyung?

Yun - ah, this noona in my neighbourhood. Big rack and my god, 15 year old me remembered it so well, we hit it off once actually

Y/N - stop the lying

I laughed while he smirked, trying to explain himself

Yun - seriously kid, one night with her and just like that. Never saw her again. She was 2 years older than me but that was in college when I visited my hometown during Christmas break. *sighs* yahhh I would kill to go back again

Y/N - you are one perverted old ass man you know that right?

Yun - fuck yeah I am, I'm 41 years old and you expect me not to be? I'm trying to catch up with you kids and appeal to you

Y/N - but the movies you've directed and shot make up for it. You're still my hero hyung

Yun - ah kid, stop with the complimenting. You've been saying that since you fucking 15

I laugh, laying my glass on the table, with a unexplainable look on my face

Yun - what's up? You look down, what's up with you?

Y/N - nothing, just tired. Taking care of Daisy and just chores and stuff.

Yun - ah your little sister? Wasn't she like 4 a year ago?

Y/N - she's grown up now hyung haha, it has been a while since you met my family

Yun - you have a good one too at that. I wish I knew my dad kid, but hey. I did well on my own, and you're the closest thing to a son I have

Y/N -  you already say that already, age is catching up hyung

Yun - ah really?

He scratches his head, making me smile.

Yun - probably from all the alcohol, *sighs* I gotta stop

Y/N - I need you around more than you think hyung. Who else would teach me the beauty of filmmaking?

Yun - ha. Y/N

Y/N - hm yeah?

Yun - take a look at this glass.

I look at his glass, it was half filled and then half empty, he then points behind me. I look behind and see a tree in the distance, since we were in the countryside so we were surrounded by a few cars and mostly land.

Yun - now do you know why I made you look?

Y/N - n- no idea?

Yun - the glass is you and me. You're what is left in the glass and I'm the negative space of air in it. And that tree is your future. That tree will keep on growing for many years to come. Me? I'm air kid. All I do now is occupy parts of your life that will be there only for a small amount of time, the beauty of filmmaking isn't in my hands but rather what you make of it. Anything that I've taught you, you know better that it's much more than just me. It's you. The person who controls everything in their life, and it's you that controls what you want.

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