...you know premo?

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based off of that one scene from scott pilgrim
idia x yuu/reader

As per usual in every social gathering he's been forced into going to, Idia found himself by his own in the corner, sipping on Dr. Perky or whatever sorta knockoff soda they put in that punch bowl.

He could've been staying home, reading all the manga he got last week, but Ortho insisted he'd come here and "make some friends!"

...Yeah right.

It was already hard for people to hear his mumbling, but with bass-filled music shaking the room? Idia wanted to save the embarrassment.

At least Azul, the other member in their board game club, came as well. But he separated long ago, probably to promote his restaurant he runs like the army near their dormitory.

Idia scanned the crowd. Ah, what was he to-


Who was that?

Looking past the couple stumbling over themselves in a manner you could hardly call a dance, he saw...them. The darkness could've fooled him but he knew. He knew full well who it was. It was unmistakable.

The person of his dreams.

No fucking way.

They were standing idly on the dance floor, as everyone else moved around them. The lights danced around in their eyes as they looked off at who knows what. God, what was this, a shojo!?

Idia's hand tightened around his cup. How was this even possible? Surely he was hallucinating. Was the Dr. Perky spiked with alcohol or some shit?

He took a step forward, then stopped. His stomach was practically twisting itself into a pretzel.

He can't just walk up to the person he's been dreaming about for the past month and TALK to them! Was he insane?? He already can't talk to regular acquaintances, so what made him think something like this would go any better?!

He sucked in a breath as they walked to the back of the room, a place quieter and further away from the dancing.

But what if he never saw them again after this?

What would be worse? he debated.

The tear jerking awkwardness of a first meeting, or the crippling regret he would feel if they were gone for good, mourning over the fact that he couldn't have just walked his ass over there and said hi?

He watched as they leaned against the back wall, absentmindedly swirling the drink in their hand. Idia sighed. Damn it all.

Awkward first meeting it is. Down the hatch the Dr. Perky goes. Lubricate the throat.

Legs wobbling like jelly, Idia made his way through the lines of enemies (people dancing) to make it to the next level (talking up some person he's never met physically).

Trying to act as nonchalantly as he could, he stood next to them, pushing down the jump his heart did when they glanced at him.

He took a step closer to them, cringing as the floorboards creaked underneath him. He glanced at them, one, twice, thrice, before muttering:


They heard him, thank the STARS. Giving him a nod and a small, but polite, smile, they answered back.


An awkward silence lingered between them. Oh god. That was all he had in him. His arsenal was empty. Ah shit, why did he think this was a good idea??

Idia stared into his empty, crumpled cup, thinking of something else to say. Then it hit him. The one thing he could talk about for hours on end.

Oh brother, time to pull out the niche lore from one of his niche interests.

"...You know Premo?"

The person looked at him, tilting their head. Their silence gave him the means to continue.

"It's short for Precipice Moirai. It's uh- it's an idol made up of these three ladies. See, they're a group because they solemnly accept the threads of fate given to them. Their whole uh- thing is being 'bound by the threads of fa-fate' and stuff."

They nodded slowly, face showing some..sort of interest? Hopefully?

"Humans are like- frail creatures whose uh- whose lives are like a single thread. Once that thread goes snip, it's all over. So..yeah."

They were still just looking at him. Lord, he felt like a court jester putting on a show for a stone faced ruler. Say something, please!

He nearly jumped through the roof when they started talking.

"Hm, they sound pretty cool. Whole 'threads of fate' thing is a unique concept. I like it. Might look into 'em later."

"O-Oh! Yeah that's- that's good. I definitely recommend them. Do you- uh- like idol stuff?"

They took a sip of their drink before replying, "Here and there, I guess. I'm pretty open to any genre. If it sounds good, I like it."

"Ah! Haha yeah, that's, uh, nice. Always good to be open-minded."

Here comes the awkward silence again. As much as he hated looking directly at people's faces when talking, Idia couldn't help but look at the person's face. They were even prettier up close. In the flesh. Here. Standing next to him. The words left his mouth before he could stop them.

"...Are you real?"

The person paused mid drink, looking at him with furrowed brows.

"...Did you just ask me if I was real?"

Shit. Shit. SHIT. SHIT!

Abort mission. Time to bounce. Idia could feel the relationship meter dropping bit by bit.

"Ah! Uh- Uhm- NOPE! I was...talking to someone else! BYE!"

He sped walked into the crowd, hoping to blend in with them.

Yuu watched as the flame hair guy sped off into the crowd, pink color dancing at the tips of his locks. Was it always like that?

They looked down at the floor. Only thing left of him was his cup.

Slowly picking it off the floor, they took out their phone, pulling up the music app.

Might as well look up that "Premo" group.


like a tidal wave, twst has once again come and filled up my brain folds with content. expect some stuff. or not. depends how i feel lmao. have a nice day guys

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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