"You wanna call back when you're finished?" She suggests.

"Nah, it's cool, just wanted to see what you're up to today." He answers.

Sitting up in her bed she blows out her mouth, "honestly I have no idea, I'm torn between going on a book shopping spree or going to the beach."

"Why not do both." He answers making a slight grunt from the weights he's using.

Leanne almost didn't reply focusing more on what he was doing. His muscles contorted with ever lift he made, basically budging through the hoodie. With the hoodie he had on a hoochie shorts that was tight around his waist making his print evident regardless if hard or soft and a pair of high top air force ones.

"I don't really wanna drive back and forth today, but it's my only day off and I need to read twisted hate before I lose my mind." She exaggerates. "And it's almost 5, book stores are probably closed by now."

He chuckles softly putting down the weights going over to his phone. "Tell you what? How bout you go out with me tonight and then I'll buy you all the books till your heart's content."

"Can't I just buy my own books?" She raises an eyebrow.

"If you do that then you won't go out with me." Jey replies.

"I never said I wouldn't." She answers.

"So you coming out with me ma?" He asks.

"Won't that be like a date?" She asks in return.

"It could be whatever you want it to be." He shrugs.

"Well it's not a date, but I'll go out with you." She answers.

"Good, send your location, I'll pick you up." He tells her.

"Alright- wait what do I wear?" She asks.

"Something casual nothing too fancy." He answers.

"Alright, I'll see you in about an hour?" She tells him.

"Yep, stay beautiful mama, see ya."

"Bye Jey." As they hung up Leanne found herself smiling, excitement surged through her body, with the words of Jesse and Stacy to explore whatever it is with Jey and the way he spoke to her she wouldn't have minded dressing up a little bit higher than casual for their meet up.

It's not a date Leanne remember that she reminded herself as she got off her bed going to shower.

The whole time she did she thought of Jey, she didn't want to blur the lines between friendship and relationship but she had to admit, being flirty with him was fun.

She hadn't ever done something like that with anyone, so stepping out of her comfort zone doing this brought thrill to her chest.

She thought off their phone call just now and how gorgeous he looked, on the surface she'd look like she didn't care for Jey but the girl wasn't stupid that man was fine and he knew it.

As the water flowed down her body she closed her eyes picturing the same hands that gripped the weights on her ass.

The mere thought making her core tighten. She bit her lip as she pictured his lips wrapped around her nipple making it go hard. Licking and sucking every inch of them.

Her hands cupped her breasts as she breath picked up making her lean back on the shower wall. Tracing a finger over her clit a light moan left her mouth. She remembered the visual of his front in a tight bulge in his shorts, rubbing the sensitive area she thought about how it would feel in her.

𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 -JEY USOWhere stories live. Discover now