Here for you, Always.

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- Ethan Green
- Lex Foster

SUMMARY: Lex's emotions are getting the better of her, and she called on a certain leather-clad boy for comfort.
(I was this close 🤏 to calling Ethan a himbo)


Sometimes, Lex has bad days. And today is one of those days. Her mum was being her normal-self, and Hannah was at school, meaning Lex was all alone, sitting in her room. The wind whistled outside her trailer and rain lightly pattered the window. And idea popped into her head.
Lex opened her messenger app and clicked on a certain contact, sadly chewing her jacket sleeve.

Mi Amour </3

Lex: Babe, are you free atm?

Mi Amour </3: Yeah what's up

Lex: Will you come over? Feeling like shit.

Mi Amour </3: Ofc. Be there as soon as possible x

Lex: Thanks, love you x

Lex turned off her phone and looked around, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She knew her emotions were heightened because of recent events, which definitely didn't help her case. She exhaled sharply, staring out of her window, waiting patiently for a familiar jalopy to show up.

~15 minutes later~


Lex immediately stood up and walked to the front door. She opened it to be greeted with her boyfriend, Ethan Green, worry threaded into his face.

"Hey, babe."

She gave him a sad smile, making Ethan sigh. He walked in and grabbed her hands.

"What's wrong, Lex?"
"Just feeling like shit, I guess. You was the only person who I trusted enough to tell."

Ethan gazed at Lex for a moment before an idea popped into his head.

"Do you wanna sit down somewhere?"

She nodded and pulled him to her room. It was a small box room, the walls painted a light grey, though it was starting to chip around the corners. The walls were decorated top-to-bottom with various posters, displaying her interests. A cork board hung on her wardrobe door. There were multiple pictures and multiple pieces of memorabilia pinned onto it, such as pictures of her and Hannah, her and Ethan, movie tickets etc.
He sat down on her bed, opening his arms to her.

"Hey, come here.."

Lex sat down next to Ethan and leaned into him, the scent of cheap cologne and smoke filling her nose. The feeling of his arms wrapped around her made Lex feel instantly relieved. Ethan rested his chin on her back and gently rubbed her back. He could admit that he wasn't the best at comforting others, but would always make an exception for those he cared about.

"What's really wrong, Lex?"

She paused and let out a shaky breath before she started to explain.

"I guess my emotions are getting the better of me. My mum is being a bitch to no one's surprise. This town and shit. The people in it are shit. No one can keep their mouths shut and I swear to god if I hear one more person call my sister a freak, or call you something stupid like the devil in disguise I'm actually gonna lose my shit! If I can't help my sister when she bullied for being different, then what good am I as a big sister? I just- I feel like I've failed. My one primary responsibility. I failed as a big sister."

Lex's voice broke as she spoke freely, her voice hoarse from the rising anger in her body. Lex always had a snarky, sarcastic attitude, and never usually took anything to heart. However, hearing her spill her insecurities of how she actually felt deep down left a heavy tension in the air. With eyes full of tears, she looked up at Ethan's bruised face, eyes full of guilt. He looked at her, wiped her eyes and gently kissed her forehead. Lex faintly smiled and leaned against him, butting her face in his neck. Ethan stroked her hair, carefully planning out his next words.

"You could never fail anyone, Lex. Anyone who really gets to know you can tell that you care about others. People in this town are shit, and if they judge people before they even know them, then they're fucking idiots."

Lex chuckled softly, her eyelids slowly dropping before sleep encased her. She leant her entire weight into Ethan, and he smiled softly.

His plan worked.

He slowly moved her and carefully laid her down, trying not to wake her. He contemplated whether he should leave or stay until she woke up. He stood up to walk out before he felt a tug on his jacket sleeve. Ethan turned around and saw Lex staring up at him with a child-like frown.

"Babe, where are you going? Stay a while.."

Ethan chuckled before sitting down next to Lex, leaning against the headrest. She sat up slightly and rested her head in his chest, tracing her finger against his many facial features.

"What is it?"
"You're handsome."
"Well, thank you-"
"Well, you were. Until you fucked your face up in that fight."

Ethan scoffed in mock-offense.

"How dare you!"

He put his hand over his heart, or at least tried to. Since Lex's head was in the way, he rested his hand on the back of her head.

"I was only joking, Ethan. You're handsome either way."
"I know it was a joke. Besides, I could say the same for you."
"What, that I'm ugly?"
"What- No! That's not what I'm saying! I meant that!-"

Lex put a finger to his lips and rolled her eyes playfully. Not only would it shut him up for a moment, but it would also stop him from moving his arms around, as if that would help him explain his point better.

"Jesus, babe! I was joking, calm down!"

Ethan sighed, resting his hands on Lex's back. They laid together in silence for a moment before Ethan spoke up.

"I love you, Lex."
"I know you do, Eath'. You tell me all the time."
"No, like, I really love you. More than you could ever know. And, no matter what, I'll always love you. I'll always be there for you, and Banana. Remember that, okay?"

Lex nodded and looked at Ethan. The same boy who was holding her like he would lose her at any moment. The same boy who admitted his love for her as if it would be the last time he could. Lex was more grateful for Ethan than anyone could ever know. She snuggled closer to him and dozed off, Ethan following soon after.

A/N: I re-worded a lot of this in an attempt to improve it. What do you think? I still wanted to call Ethan a himbo in the summary-

~ Levi - They/Them

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