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In the shadows cast by the imposing school gates, the stout, moustache-less security guard blocked my way, denying entry for my tardiness.

Undeterred, I retrieved an Elite card from my pocket, its glossy surface catching the glint of the security's eyes.

The guard's stern expression softened as he recognized the prestigious emblem, and with a resigned nod, he allowed me to pass into the school campus.

The Elite card, a symbol of academic excellence, is bestowed upon the top eight students who outshine their peers in scholastic achievements.

Despite being among the privileged eight and enjoying special privileges, the disdain for studying lingered within me.

I swung open the door to my classroom during the second period, disrupting the studious silence.

The room was already abuzz with the rhythmic scratch of pencils against paper-a collective math test unfolding.

My arrival invited annoyed glances from my classmates, a routine response that had become all too familiar.

Undeterred, I took my seat, met with neither reprimand nor inquiry about my tardiness from the teacher. It seemed that among the privileged, certain leniencies were afforded.

With a nonchalant air, I delved into the unfamiliar questions.

As I scrutinized the first question, an invisible screen materialized before me, unveiling the answers.

A clandestine advantage. Quickly jotting down the answers, I finished the test before others. Soon, I dozed off.

The chatter of my classmates woke me during the break. Checking the clock, I stood up. Silence followed my move as I headed to the door. Their whispers were nothing new.

I made my way to the AC study hall, exclusive to elites.

Entering the AC study hall, reserved for elites, I found everyone engrossed in their studies. A swift acknowledgment, then they resumed their tasks.

Navigating toward the bookshelf, I consulted the invisible screen for a crime thriller recommendation. As the list unfolded, a chilling title atop it sent shivers down my spine. 'Dead Man's Throne'.

Curious, I inquired about its location. The unexpected response pointed to Jake. Typically, I'd brush off such replies, but an unwavering determination to read this book took hold.

Finding Jake, the fifth-ranked elite, immersed in math calculations, I hesitantly approached. Though not particularly close, he seemed the most approachable among the elites.

I settled beside him, book in hand. Reading it, I nonchalantly declared it boring, initiating a one-sided conversation about the book's lackluster nature, even though he paid little attention.

Eventually, abandoning subtlety, I directly asked if he could lend the book.

His surprise revealed he hadn't taken it out yet, but armed with information from the invisible screen, I discreetly knew otherwise.

When he questioned me how I knew he had the book, I whispered to the screen, learning he bought it on September 27, 2023, at 7:56:49 pm. To avoid sounding like a stalker, I told Jake I noticed him purchasing it last month.

Apparently convinced, he handed me the book, instructing me to read it on a different bench.

Immersed in the narrative of the book, the story resonated with memories of a simpler past, where friendship reigned supreme.

It evoked recollections of my own days of mischief and camaraderie, especially with my best friend, Ryan.

The book stirred regret over an act that severed our friendship. Unable to confront the memories, I hesitated to seek answers from the invisible screen.

Tentatively, I began, "Hey screen..." but a sudden thud on the door interrupted. A tall boy, seemingly from the 2nd year, burst in, demanding Jake's presence.

The room fell silent as he declared, "Jake, come with me. William wants to see you."

The mention of William's name widened Jake's eyes, casting a hush over everyone.

As Jake hesitantly rose and followed the boy out, the room remained fixated on the door, curiosity etched on every face. Speculations lingered in the air as to why William had summoned Jake.

William, a formidable second-year figure, struck fear into the hearts of many with his notorious behavior. Complaints about him had flooded the school, yet no action was taken, his father's influence casting a protective shield. Possessing a robust physique, he commanded a group of loyal followers, known for bullying juniors into submission.

I stood up and headed for the door. A voice shattered the silence: "Where are you going?" It was Henry, a quiet boy with specs, an elite ranked third, breaking his usual silence.

I replied, "The tension is killing me. I'm getting water; I'll be back."

Outside, I consulted the invisible screen about Jake's location, which promptly displayed a map.

Following it, I arrived at a closed, old storage room. Placing my hand on the doorknob, I hesitated. Concealing myself behind an old sports carpet, I overheard Jake's agonized screams from within.

Tucked away in a corner, the storage room ensured the cries went unheard.

After a while, a boy emerged, bloodied hands revealing his identity as William and then a group of boys followed him out.

Once I have confirmed they left, I entered the storage room.

Blood was scattered, and there sat Jake, his face covered in blood, he was unconscious so I carried him to the nurses' office.

Leaving him at the nurses' office, I returned to the study hall after washing my hands. Resuming my place, I delved back into the book.

After a while, the door creaked open, revealing William and his entourage entering the study hall.

His scrutinizing gaze swept across the study hall, and as he circled the library, he halted near Henry.

Pressuring him, he demanded his name, and when he nervously mumbled, he roared, "Louder!" Trembling, Henry managed to utter his name.

William barked an order: he would be writing his homework from now on.

Henry, visibly shaken, glanced at him with fear.

At that moment, I stood up and asked if I could take his place in that responsibility.

The room, including the second years, fell into stunned silence witnessing me confront William without fear.

William, intrigued, approached, and with an intimidating proximity, he challenged me to repeat my request.

Undeterred, I proposed a deal: I could ensure his success in the upcoming term exams without the need for studying.

Puzzled, he inquired about the method. I whispered my idea to him, he burst into laughter, acknowledging my ingenuity.

Agreeing to my proposition, William left, leaving the lingering stares of everyone in the room.

I resumed my work, unfazed by the attention that continued to surround me.

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