1. Two Angry Gingers

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James Potter knew he had a soulmate. He and everyone else at Hogwarts would receive letters after their third year- giving them clues on their other half. Dumbledore had stated that everyone had a soulmate- and James was certain it was Lily Evans.

Lily Evans was another kind of beauty- like a glowing aura- he thought to himself with a goofy smile on the train. To his left, he had his childhood best friend Peter Pettigrew, and two to his right argued Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.

"Padfoot! Give my chocolate back or I swear to Merlin I will kill you!" Remus frustratedly gritted out. Sirius swung his head back with a boyish laugh.

Third-years giggled and rushed onto the train in a flurry of excitement. Once everyone settled down, James decided it was time to look for his soon-to-be girlfriend. As he left moony and padfoot who had now moved on from arguing about chocolate to arguing about whether ABBA or Bowie was better.

James followed the familiar flash of red hair- huh how weird, Lily must have curled her hair today. He delightfully tapped on his darling lily flower shoulder, only to be met with dark brown eyes rather than green.

James' mouth hung open in shock, this girl- looked exactly like Lily- yet there was something different about her. His eyes traveled from her dark eyes to her freckled, rosy cheeks and down to her pink lips which were pulled in a frown.

The train jolts awoke James from his mini daydream. The girl's face was distorted, almost disgusted at him. How had he never noticed this girl before?

"Are you going to speak? Or are you just dense, boy?" she tutted out. Her eyes searched him, urging him to say something.

"Just trying to get to my lily flower, but you are massively blocking my perfect view." James retorted, trying to look around the girl.

"Last time I checked you were the one who tapped me on the shoulder! So move along dense boy." she sneered.

Merlin. What was this girl's problem? James pushed past her, not so gently. Forcing her to mumble something along the lines of 'ignorant dick'.

James stormed through the carriages until he heard Lily's voice.

"That girl! Merlin, she infuriates me. How dare Violet just transfer? We had a... No Mary i do not want a tissue! Oh for goodness sake, what do you want Potter?" she spat. James was not about to be shouted at by two angry gingers so he fluried off back to his compartment.

James was trying to point out the girl from earlier, but he could not see her. Did he imagine it? Dumbledore's voice brought him back from his scour.

"Amongst the first years, we are greeting a new student who has traveled from Durmstrang! Let us give her and the first years a warm welcome everybody." dumbledore cheered.

That was her! He shoved Peter who was picking at his nails. He didn't seem as interested as James and Sirius were, they had planned they would get her back with a year full of pranks.

"Violet Evans!" She is related to Lily then. Such a pretty name for a horrid girl, James thought.

"Slytherin!" James tutted. Of course, she was a Slytherin, she acted like one and even though she was Lily's twin she looked like one too. Sullen, eerie eyes.

'The exact opposite of me'. James thought to himself.

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