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📍The Richardson Household
Kr Pov

"Yo what the fuck....." I hear next to me and I whip my head around to see Jenn waking up. It's been 2 days and they're bruises are slowly dissapearing. Des can't walk, turns out their father stepped on Desrees ankle and since hes.....big boned (no hate I just couldnt find the right word) it snapped. "Mh chill you can't move too much, unless it don't hurt..." I say looking at her. I haven't slept my eyes show that, I can't sleep, these are my best friends, me and J been together almost our whole lives, I'll be damned if her father killed her ass, i heard him, I swear to God if her lays a finger on Jennifer I'd kill his ass, Des too.

She's too young to be going through this, she hasn't woke up since we got her back, she's alive but hurt, bad. "Fuck I look like? I can mo- FUCK! No no I cant..." Jenn says telling in pain as she tries to move as I just shake my head in disappointment."Told you, stubborn ass" I say making her chuckle, one thing about us, were goofy in the worst times. "Did my sister....- No J, she hasn't woke up sleet, she's alive, barely, what did he tmdo to you two anyway?" I ask Jenn, sitting on her bed, careful about her body.

"To Des? He beat her with those paint sticks, metal soup spoons, a glass plate, broke it on her head, his fists, that's what made her pass out like that, couldn't move. Had to carry her, she cried the whole time" Jenn explained making me hug her and rub her back, giving her the pink teddy bear Des gave her as a gift on valentines day when J was 9. "Thanks....." She lets out as I nod, realizing she didn't tell me what happened to her, I wont force it though.

"I see you tired Henry, I am too cmon" Jenn says calling my by my government, either way I reluctantly get into the bed next to her, makingsure not to hurt her. "Night Jennifer" I say, falling asleep. "Nighty Nighty Kyky" Jenn says using my old childhood hood nickname making me smile and fall asleep.

His Dream:

12 year old me was playing around at the playground at my moms job, swinging on the swings with the other kids there, waiting for my best friend Jennifer, I call her Jeje, to come to the park to play with me and Dee. "Kyky!" She yells running onto the playground structure and I immediately realized she was crying I almost flew down the playground steps and hugged her and looked down her body and saw her all bruised up.I knew about her home situation,me and my mom, we helped her and Des in secret. "What happened J?" I asked her as she just cried, not responding to me. "Ur dad?" I ask, trying not to put all her business out there. She nods crying harder. "Des and ur mom too?"  She puts up a one, meaning only Des, the first one. Two meant mom, 3 meant both of them. I pick her up and carry her to my mom who's sitting on a bench with all her doctor stuff, just incase one of the kids got hurt. "Jennifer! Darling I'm so sorry love, Henry what happened?" Ma asks me as I tell  her and-

I wake yp to voices. "Kyky?" I hear a soft voice and I wake up to see Jenn looking down at me. "You were talking and snoring again...." She says sleepily. I nod, apologizing and telling he rto ho back to sleep and she does. That dream....was the 3rd time this happened, its happened over 30 more times since. This time is probably the worst one, it never made them be essentially, hospitalized in their own home. I start to drift off again, in the arms of my best friend, praying all my problems could dissapear, knowing damn well they couldn't.

Jermaine Pov

I will Kill Henry Kyle Richardson, that's a promise. He's in the way.


-Short Chap. Bc yall got alot out of me and I'm tired and this is a filler

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