Prologue: A Shadow Isekai

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Iris Midgar, the first princess of the Midgar kingdom sat in her room, defeated and humiliated by the man known as Shadow after their fight with the goddess of war Beatrix.

'How can a human be allowed that much power? Who is he? What is he?'

Iris thought, remembering the helplessness and despair she felt when Shadow nearly used his attack. She was thankful that he stopped because if he didn't, then the whole city would've been destroyed.

She then buried her head in her arms, the image of a boy flashing within her mind.

'I wonder if he's alright?'

She thought of the boy her sister was dating, Cid Kagenou, that name plagued her mind since she spoke to him. He wasn't special, no remarkable skills and a very ordinary knight in training. But something about him always makes her heart skip a beat, and when remembering him, it always calms her down.

It was then later that she fell asleep, thinking of her younger sister's boyfriend.


She was Beatrix, the goddess of war and the champion of the bushin festival for who knows how long. Yet at the face of the man named Shadow, she felt weak.



It was the first time in a while that she felt that way for a long time, and also what fueled her determination to grow stronger yet again. To beat Shadow.

'That power is not ordinary. I will defeat you one day. Shadow.'

She thought as she clenched the wrapper of a burger with blue writings on it, crumpling it before stopping and opening her hand. It was the wrapper of the burger that person gave to her in exchange of her own.

She smiled lightly, remembering his face.

'Cid Kagenou. I hope to meet you again.'

She thought, feeling some unknown emotion building up within her, and emotion that she herself didn't know she had.


Cid Kagenou, the man known in his alter ego as Shadow, stood atop the wrecked tower where he had his 2v1 fight against Beatrix and Iris. During the fight he was amazed at the sight the city provided, but couldn't admire it since he had to focus on the fight.

"It's really at times like this that being an eminence in shadow is a pain, views like this are hard to come by, even in this fantasy world."

He sighed, admiring the city below him. This elavated position of his not only granted him a complete overview of the city, it also gave him a sense of superiority. Like a god watching the humans go about their day.

Cid then sighed, knowing that he needed to go back to his apartment to pack up.

"Oh well, the next stop would be lawless city. I remember Alpha telling me that she has a base settled there."

He mused before siging and grabbing his face in exhaustion.

"Seriously, that girl. They take the roleplay too seriously."

He then turned around preparing to leave when something caught his eye.

He then crouched and picked up the object, examining it.

It was shiny, silver and had a 500.....written in it.

Cid's eyes widen in shock.

'This is 500 yen! How did this get here?!'

Cid was befumbled at the object he held on his hand. It had been a long time since he had seen the familiar currency of his old world. But he was also stumped at the fact of how it got there.

It was then that a purple portal suddenly appeared before him, but before he could do anything he was sucked into it, vanishing a second later.



Not too far from him was a blue haired elf, slumped to the ground in disbelief. Seeing her savior, her lord, disappear before her eyes.

It was a sight she would never forget.


It was an early and bright saturday morning for Tengu city. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the people were lively that morning, going about their business.

It was a peaceful day, that's what a blue haired girl observed as she went to a nearby market. About to buy food for her little sister, a gluttonous purple haired friend, and an innocent blue haired bean.

"Let's see....."

She muttered to herself, walking while going over the list of things she would buy.

She was Shiori Itsuka, a high school student with a secret that could change the world.

As normal as she looked, she wasn't all normal. She was in fact, a spirit sealer and works for Ratatoskr. A secret organization with the aim of helping the spirits live a normal life among humans.

'Should I buy some steak?'

She thought, stopping, before deadpanning at herself after remembering a certain purple haired spirit throw a tantrum when all the food were vegetables.

'Probably for the best. Lest I want a n angry spirit after me.....'

She then continued on, heading into the market.


A loud ear peircing sound reverberated throughout the whole city, causing the faces of the people to pale before running as a look of desperation adorned their faces.

Shiori also ran along with them, but momentarily turned to a deserted alley, waiting as the nearby shelters closed. Protecting the people within from a catastrophe that was about to happen.

She then pressed her index and middle finger to her ear as a look of determination overtook her previous expression.

"Beam me up Kotori!"

She exclaimed as an orb of bright light engulfed her, disappearing the instant it wrapped itself around her.

High above the air, an airship flew above the city, safe from the catastrophe that would soon occur.

On the commander seat, sat a little girl with red hair tied by two black ribbons, she chewed her lollipop in anticipation as a purple dome appeared in the middle of the city, expanding before stopping, destroying 1/4 of the whole city.

Everyone stared at the screen in shock.

Never before has this happened. The largest ever spacequake was Tohka's, but now. Now it pales in comparison to this level.

"What the fuck....."

The girl muttered in shock, her lollipop dropping to the floor being the only sound heard through the silence which enveloped the whole deck.

It was a catastrophe with a being that would soon shake the world.


{End of Prologue}

A/N: The story above is mainly what I thought would happen after the fight in the last episode. A few days after it to be precise.

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