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Hello fairies!♡


Here, these three men were stuck in their seats, hearing shouting, which is coming from the top floor.

On this floor, only Shehreyar is living for now. He likes his privacy and doesn’t like to get disturbed. So he got his room way far from everyone else.

Here shouting and commotion Hayat also woke up. And everyone in the house came running to his floor.

"Ammi!! Ammi Hayat! sh-she is not in the room, " Shehreyar said frantically, running to his mother. And everyone was shocked hearing this. She is not a toddler who can run anywhere just yet she is a 6-month-old infant. "Ammi meri bachi ko dhoond k lay k ayein, meri bachi" (Mom, please find my baby, my baby) Shehreyar is shouting. This is the first time they are seeing this frantic side of his. He is panicking, and everyone is standing still in their spots. Youngsters are watching him with shock and all the elders looking at him with shock and admiration.

"We are dead!" Ryan exclaimed, scared. "We will be six feet under the ground in a few minutes," Hamza stated, horrified. "Please recite your prayers and ask for forgiveness from ALLAH," Shahveer said, making a crying face.

Seeing him fake crying, Hayat started crying. Hearing her crying, everyone went towards the room. When Shehreyar saw Hayat on the bed laying crying, he strode towards her in long strides and picked her up. "Shh baby, I'm here. See, your dada is here," he cooed her while kissing her head multiple times. When she calmed down, Shehreyar eyed everyone in the room and looked at the three men with anger.

"Who the hell told you guys to take her with you?" He asked angrily. "Bh-bhai-" Hamza started but got cut by angry Shehreyar. "BHAI WHAT? IF YOU TOOK HER AT LEAST, YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME BUT NO YOU THOUGHT HE WAS ASLEEP AND WHO CARES ABOUT HIM LET’S DO WHATEVER WE WANT RIGHT? WHAT IF SOMETHING SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED? WHAT IF MY BABY HAD GOT HURT? " Shehreyar shouted.

Hearing him shouting, Hayat started crying and started wiggling in his arms. Everyone was shocked and scared for the baby. Dada Jaan stepped ahead to take her in his arms, but she wailed louder. Not wanting to go to him. Dadi Jaan took her in her arms, but she was still crying.

Now, this is worrisome. Inaya, who was standing outside the room, stepped towards dadi jaan and motioned her to pass the baby to her dadi. jaan looked at her and then at Shehreyar, then passed the baby to her.

"Shh baby, what happened? Hmm, why are you crying this much? Are you hungry? You don't need to get scared. See, everyone is here. " Inaya talked to her in a soft voice. Everyone was looking at them with amusement. Hearing a soothing and calm voice, Hayat looked at Inaya, and then everyone in the room buried her face in her neck and wrapped an arm around her neck. As if seeking solace in her arms.

Seeing a scene unfolding in front of him, Shehreyar’s heart tingled. ‘Serene’ he thought. His mind started having forbidden thoughts. ‘Stop it! Sherry, this is Haram. You should not think about her like that she is your cousin’ Shehreyar scolded himself. He is fighting with his consciousness. While he was staring at the scene in front of him with adoration in his eyes, others were staring at him with different emotions.

‘Shh baby it’s okay. Everything is fine. It’s alright. Nobody is shouting at you. We are going to play a lot, will you play with me?” Inaya talked to Hayat cutely and asked her cooingly. Hayat is looking at her very curiously as if she understood she tapped her hand on Inaya’s cheek as if indicating she agrees with the idea.

As on cue when Inaya was going out with Hayat, she suddenly turned around and took steps towards Shehreyar. When she was at a decent distance “Well dekh lijiye ab hum Hayat ko lekar jaa rahein hein, aur ek baat bhai agar apko apne khoon par yakeen nahi tha toh Hayat ko yaha nahi le kar aana chahiye tha. Hum sabh yaha aap k apne hai bhai aur Hayat k bhi” (well look now I’m taking Hayat, and one more thing brother, If you didn’t have trust in your blood then you shouldn’t have brought Hayat here. We are your family and Hayat’s too) saying this and shocked everyone that she left the room with Hayat. In the room, everyone stood rooted in their place. This is the first time Inaya talked to someone this way and this much. She is a person who talks very little with new people and today she stunned everybody.

On the other side, as she entered her room, she shut the door, took a seat on her bed, and put a hand on her heart while taking deep breaths. “Well, Inaya, this shouldn’t have happened. What if he gets angry? What if he also tried to..?” She is going back to that darkness she is having panic attacks. As if sensing that Inaya is in danger, Hayat starts tapping her face as if asking for attention. Feeling light taps on her face, she opened her eyes and saw Hayat looking at her with doe eyes.

Tears were pouring out of her eyes while controlling her breaths. Hayat’s lower lip started wobbling, looking at crying Inaya. When Inaya saw that, she wiped her tears and talked to her “Shh baby I’m sorry I didn’t bring you here to cry with me. I know I look ugly when crying, but you have to bear with me” She made silly faces on the last part. Seeing making her silly faces, Hayat giggled. “Haww you find me funny, ha? Do you think my ugly self is a funny thing to see?” While acting with her words, Inaya laid her down on the bed. “You find it funny? You’re naughty Hayat, very naughty” Inaya was making funny faces while saying this and tickling her at the same time. Hayat and Inaya’s giggles filled the whole room.

Outside their room, everyone was hearing their giggles, and Shehreyar was one of them. Everyone is content. But they didn’t know that this happiness would be short-lived.

After hours of playing, both the babies of the house which are Inaya and Hayat, are sleeping side by side on Inaya’s bed. One with worry of chaos, which happened earlier that day and one with the dreams of angels.

Here you go, folks. Tell me if you like this chapter, and if not, still tell me.
Be safe and be happy. You have only one life to live.


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UNEXPECTED LOVE (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin