Lucifer glanced over at the radio sitting on his night stand and stared at it. He frowned a bit over what he did the other day. Alastor was... really mad at him. Even if he said sorry, there was no guarantee that Alastor would even forgive him. He sighed as he looked at the supplies in front of him. Maybe he could make Alastor a small gift?

He was only ever good at making ducks but... he didn't know if Alastor would even want one. But at the same time, if he did nothing, it was just as bad. He decided to get to work, taking his time with this one, wanting to make it perfect.

Alastor was just exiting a musical that was held in Cannibal Town, smiling softly as he exited with Rosie, their arms linked making their way back to her parlor. "My my~! What an enjoyable show~! I haven't seen such talent since Lady Be Good in 1924~! Aaahhh the critics back then~! Such entertainment~!" He laughed with Rosie who smiled at her dear friend.

"So~ how's it going with Mister Mystery~ you haven't given me any sorta update~!" She said hugging his arm as they walked, Alastor's face turned to annoyance at the mention of well... Lucifer. "Yes~ him...~" He grumbled as Rosie unlocked her shop and they both walked in. "What? What happened now? Come on Al, you and I both know that you fancy this guy~! Just tell me who he is, I gotta scope him out!" Rosie said and sat down at there little tea corner, smiling at Alastor.

"No... it would be best if I never say his name~" Alastor said and Rosie looked at him confused as she leaned on the table. "Al, what happened?" She asked and Alastor grumble, radio static coming from his staff as he tapped the table with his fingers.

"Did you hear a broadcast from me the day I left Cannibal Town a couple days ago~?" Alastor asked and Rosie made a questioning look. "No?" She said and Alastor sighed as he rubbed his face, speaking to her. "He went into my radio tower and broadcasted on my channel~! The little shit thought he was so funny talking about whatever he damn will wants~!" Alastor was gripping his cans frustrated before Rosie kinda pieced it together.

"So he's staying at the hotel?" Rosie said, and Alastor tensed up and looked at Rosie before heavily sighing. "Yes~" he grumbled and she nodded as she thought. "So... I can eliminate all woman since it's a man, Husker is a deal so that's off the plate, Angel Dust is nice but clearly doesn't really fancy you or you to him. You did mention Adam was staying with you but... I doubt you got a kink for the first man!" Rosie laughed as she sat there and Alastor grimaced at the thought of fancying Adam, the bastard should have stayed dead.

"So... is it Lucifer?" Rosie asked him and he remained quiet for a minute as he could feel Rosie's smile widening as she giggled. "Oh~ So the King of Hell likes you~" she purred and Alastor grumbled but nodded as he looked to her. "Yes~ But he's got a very funny way of showing it!" Alastor growled as Rosie laughed getting up and grabbing them a small tray of snacks. She poured them tea and Alastor reached over for a lady finger, eating it annoyed.

"Well, I do have a question. Isn't he married? And Lucifer is pretty loyal to his wife." Rosie said and Alastor nodded his head, crossing his legs. "We just found out though that Lilith made some sort of deal with Heaven so she could stay in Heaven~!" Alastor said as he looked at Rosie with a look that could only say 'this drama is bullshit'. Rosie had a look of shock on her face as she stared at all.

"What- hu- who- what!?" Rosie said flabbergasted as she stared at Alastor. "So Lilith, First Woman, Queen of hell said after eons of being here with her husband and child, that she was gonna make some sort of deal and just left them!?" Rosie sounded so mad over Lilith abandoning her family.

"If that isn't the definition of a divorce I don't know what is!" Rosie said and groaned as she popped a few lady's fingers in her mouth. They both sat there annoyed and Rosie sighed. "Maybe... he's just trying to seem like he's normal with the way he acted on your broadcast. Like maybe he could make you laugh?" Rosie said and Alastor never thought of it like that but still it pissed him off.

"I'm not saying what he did wasn't wrong, but... you're not exactly uh, easy to please." Rosie said and chuckled and Alastor rolled his eyes at that comment.

Alastor sat in silence before checking his pocket watch. It was getting late. "Well Rosie, I did enjoy our time together today, but I must return to the hotel~ so much to do before tomorrow~ will you be coming~?" He asked with his usual cheery tone and she smiled at him.

"Oh Alastor, you know me, I can't resist a good party! I'll wear my best dress!" She said and gave him a hug before sending him off back to the hotel.

Alastor watched as the elevator doors opened to his floor before stepping off it and making his way back to his room. As he approached he noticed a small box sitting outside. He picked it up and saw a small note tapped to the top of it. The Radio Demon peeled the note off and opened it, reading the contents of the note to himself.

'I'm sorry. - L. Morningstar '

Alastor raised a brow as he opened the small box, and reached in. He pulled out a small red duck, with what seemed to be tiny deer antlers. He turned the duck over in his hand and on the ducks back seemed to be painted an old radio, with small musical tunes next to it. His eyes softened as he held it. Inside there was another note.

'Squeeze it.'

Alastor remembered the last time he squeezed one of these ducks it burnt his hair. He held the duck far away from his face and gave it a small squeeze. He was met with something... far better than fire.

'I don't want to set the world on fire~ I just want to start a flame in your heart~'

The Radio Demon held the duck close to his face now as the song played from the small creation. He walked into his room and closed it softly, staring at it before placing it down on his table next to the note. He listened to the song finish and thought that was it but there was another message at the end of it. His eyes widened thinking someone was in his room but it was still the small duck that created the sound.

'Hey uh... Alastor.'

Lucifer's voice rang in and he walked over to it, taking a seat as he folded his arms, glaring a bit at the object in his room.

'So... oh it's me Lucifer by the way! You... probably already knew that but uh, ugh! Hell this is so hard, why is this so fucken hard to do!'

Alastor raised a brow at the bickering to himself over whatever it was he wanted to say. He looked away from the object and tapped his fingers, before Lucifer spoke again.

'What I'm trying to do is... say I'm sorry. I... know after words I crossed a line. Invaded your privacy, and I shouldn't have. I thought what I was doing was funny,'

Irritation came to Alastor's face because how on earth was he suppose to think Lucifer highjacking his broadcast was suppose to be any way shape or form funny.

'But it wasn't. You... must have thought I was trying to mock you or something. Wasn't my intention, but I can see now I hurt you. I don't know how to exactly uh... make it up to you, just... let me know? Okay, end recording... how the fuck do I stop recording? Where's the-'

The recording stopped and Alastor stared at the duck. He felt calmer after listening to the message, arms crossed with a scrunch in his brows. Alastor sighed as he sat there, putting his face in his hand. "Well... to say he surprised me was an understatement..." he grumbled to himself before taking the duck and placing it on his shelf, adjusting it so it looked nice amongst his collection of items.

And for the first time in a long time, a genuine smile graced the Radio Demons lips.

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