"Mulligans? Huh, I know the Baron's, How'd you get hired?"

"Uhm, an acquaintance of mine worked there and I wanted to try it out," I looked out, watching the groups of people as they golfed and walked back and forth to the bar indoors.

"Usually, I have people start off on the course with helping out the clients, but I'm sure you'll do fine over in the restaurant," he pointed to the building, before looking back at me to see my reaction.

I'd be waitressing, probably running into the most snobbiest people, but it was decent pay that I really couldn't turn down.


"'Kay, I'll have you come in and start now? Does that work?"

Begrudgingly, I nodded and he led me to the restaurant, where he gave me an apron and a small book with a pen.

"Alright, so the turkey club?" The woman peered over her glasses, barely acknowledging me before she nodded and handed me the menu wordlessly.


"Hey, do you mind helping me with drinks outside? The men are getting needy," A girl whizzed by me, balancing plates of glasses on her hands and glancing in my direction.

"Uh," I looked at my table, before I went to the back to plug in the order.

Fed to the wolves was an understatement. The Island Club was nothing like Milligans, because the people here were snobs and I was expected to be superwoman, just more bougie.

I walked to the golf course, noting the multiple groups of elderly men and teenagers gathered in cliques.

It was polo shirt central, honestly and I bit my lip at the fact that some of them didn't look too bad.

"Hey, can you grab us another round?"

I turned slowly, and came face to face with Topper, who was accompanied by Kelce and Rafe.

"Oh, didn't expect to see you here, gorgeous." Topper stated, throwing me completely off guard and I struggled to stay under his stare.

Why did he have to be like this around the other Kooks?

"Aren't you with Sarah or something?"

Topper laughed, while Kelce reached over to shove his shoulder teasingly. Rafe did nothing except down the rest of his drink and watch my excruciatingly painful conversation with Topper, not surprisingly.

Finally, Rafe picked up a golf club, leaning on it and looking down at me from a distance. "Yeah, another round."

"Got it." I pushed the urge to throw my notepad at him and walked away briskly, not bothering to ask what they'd like and sufficing for whatever was on their tab already.

"You couldn't pay me enough to deal with that." I muttered to myself, ignoring the stare of one of the other waitresses who seemed confused about my comment.

Soon, the bell to the door of the restaurant sounded, causing me to look up and meet the eyes of Rafe.

"Hey K, Y'know could you do me a favor?" He walked up to register I was at, letting his elbow settle on the counter and putting his chin on his hand.

Rogue Wave | Rafe CameronKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat