Chapter 6

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The next 2 weeks were pretty great for me, Tory and I hang out most of that time and she started working at the roller rink which was pretty funny finding out.


I was at work walking around when I see Torry on rollerblades handing out drinks and say when she moved away " Fancy that, your not stalking me now are you " she turns and sees me in my security shirt and says " You work here too Phoenix " I nod " Ya, ever since my mom and I moved here, guess we will be seeing more of each other more often " and move closer and she smirks grabbing my shirt bringing me down a little and kisses me and then says " Can't get rid of me that easily " and I smile " Oh sounds good to me " and she rolls away looking back giving me a smirk.

Flashback End

We've only been dating for a month and she already has me hooked on her, I don't know why but we just click, we both like similar stuff, joke around and flirt with each other, we both come from poor families so we know money struggles.

We all were getting some food when Tory says " I'm gonna try and get mopey over there to cheer up " I nod as she goes over and later on says to me " I'm gonna try and get his mind off that girl he's desperate over and show him how to have fun, cya tomorrow ? " I nod and she takes off.

The next day we were at the dojo and after Larusso came and told us that we wrecked his dojo and stole a medal of honor which surprised me since I didn't think any of us would do that. The day after Sensei had us all day hard exercises nonstop until one of us told him who did it. We continued before Sensei got a call and Kreese gave us a 2 minute break, we were all tired and when Sensei had to go Kreese was put incharge and made us continue our exercises until Miguel says " We have to find out who did it " and Tory says " I bet it was Assface " which cause a conflict but Kreese says " Do you really want to know who did it " he paused before continuing " It was Hawk, and it was Diaz, Williams, Robertson, if one of you makes a move then all of you make a move " and stands up straighter " Main dojo 5 minutes, you're about to begin your real training "

Over the next couple of days Kreese had us training to show no mercy but I couldn't do it, I realize that in a fight or die situation you had to but no for every fight. Kreese seen I wasn't going to do it but never said anything but he did have me separate from the others more often. Speaking of separating I noticed that Tory and Miguel have been getting really close to each other which brought up some bad memories from the past but hopefully the past doesn't repeat itself.

After Sensei came back he decided to let us go to Coyote Creek and we all stand across from each other I was on the red team and I see that Miguel and Tory were on the black team which means I'll have to face them at some point.

I took out 1 of the black team already when I come out and see Tory and Miguel together and say " Shit, I gotta face both of you " they smile and we got into our stance Miguel attacks first which I block and grab him pushing him into Tory who was about to attack and charge at them throwing strikes which they both blocked or dodged and Tory tries to roundhouse me but I catch her leg and take her headband but Miguel hits me making me fall over and takes mine and hits my face " Sorry, no mercy " I get up and look for Tory only to see her walking away not bothering to wait.

When I get back to the others Tory was talking with Aisha and I decide to distance myself from Tory and sit on a log checking my phone but I'm able to hear " What's up with Phoenix " and Tory says " I don't know " which made me internally scoff since we both know that you've been avoiding me thinking I wouldn't notice.

 When Stingray as he likes to be called ended up winning for our team and Me, Miguel, Tory and Aisha got into her car I immediately put my headphones on and listened to music pretending to try and sleep until a while later I felt a tap on my shoulder and open my eyes and see the door open and Tory was the one who tapped me " Hey, you want to go for a walk " I decided to accept since it was a good chance to talk.

After 5 minutes of silence I say " So, you want to tell me why you have been avoiding me " she looks at me but I kept my gaze forward as we walked and she says " I'm just confused right now " and I say " About your feelings for me or for Miguel " and she stops me " What " I say " I have eyes Tory, avoiding me, spending a lot of time with another guy and getting really close to them what else am I supposed to think " she paused on her answer and I say " If you can't answer that than answer this one " " Do you like Miguel " and she paused again before saying " I do " which hurt alot and I felt like she was just playing with me and say " I see, so you decide to see Miguel while we were still dating " she tried to touch my shoulder but I brushed it off and look at her and from her look she could see the hurt on mine "Don't" and look away not seeing she teared up a bit and I say " Guess we are over Tory " and walked away.

The next day we were all in the dojo and I was avoiding Miguel and Tory like the plague when Sensei came in and told us that Kreese will no longer be coming here which I was glad about and told us " This creed on the wall, if you follow it, it will make you strong, formidable, but it will also make you a asshole, cause that's just black paint on a white wall, but life isn't black and white, more often than not it's grey " and goes to say " Don't just think with your gut, or your fists but really use this " as he pokes his head a couple of times " Which brings me to today's lesson " and breaks a board on his head " Headbutting ".

I was on my shift tonight at the roller rink looking around and see the interaction with Tory, Miguel, Sam and Robby and scoff when Tory kisses Miguel. I continued working when I heard a commotion and see Tory on the ground and the food she was carrying was everywhere, I go over and hear " Alright your out both of you " and Sam Say " But she's the one who " and he interupts " Now " I come up and say " Hey, I got this " and he nods at me and I escort them out but on the way Sam says " Typical Cobra Kai " and I say " Think what you want I'm just doing my job " and Robby says " Why'd you volunteer for that guy " I say " Because he's rough when it comes to kicking people out and I think there's been enough BS for one night to avoid another fight " and Sam says " Ya, like we'd believe you " I say " I can understand you thinking that about some of us but you should really get that bug up your ass removed cause not everyone in Cobra Kai is a asshole, like the ones who joined your dads dojo bet you don't talk shit about them do you " she seemed to shut up after that and we get to the exit and they leave.

The viking CobraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ