Chapter 5

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We were at the dojo and line up and Sensei says " I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic but there's a chance to make a fighter out of you but you gotta fight so, who has the balls to take on the champ " nobody volunteered till a girl spoke up " I Will " I look at her and I gotta admit she is definitely beautiful.

She and Miguel fought and she was pretty impressive but Miguel could see her moves till the last one as she flipped him over and put him in a hold telling us her name was Tory with a Y.

I was grabbing a water and protein bar when I overheard Iesha and Tory " Let me guess dick pic " " No my parents want me to go to this stupid beach club party " I bought my stuff when I heard " Hey you maybe want to go with me, I could use the backup " Tory says " I could use a day at the beach " I head over and say " Someone say day at the beach " they both look at me and Iesha says " You wanna go to the beach club with us " I pretend to think " Lets see, go to a beach club with 2 cute girls or nothing at all " I look at them and smile " I'm sold " Tory says " Didn't take much " I say " You saying I'm cheap " in flirty tone and she says " Maybe " and I respond " You're right, but I'll have you know I'm a great deal, a good looking guy to look at and lots of corny jokes what's not to like " Iesha says " You 2 can flirt on the way to the club " I chuckle " I just might do that " winking at Tory as we follow Iesha.

We get to the club and we change into our swimsuits and I come out with just my trunks on and see them at the ledge and Tory says " Ok. this is not the beach, where are the homeless dudes on rollerblades or the hippie dudes shoving shitty hip hop demo's in your face" Iesha scoffs " Oh don't worry they'll come in after they serve the Hors d'oeuvres " I say " Damn this is not the beach " they turn and see me and Tory says " Hey, abercrombie and fitch called and said you're late for your shift " I say " Oh you know you love it " and do a pose making Iesha laugh. 

We seperated for a bit Aisha was getting some food and Tory went off somewhere while I seen Robby sun tanning and go to talk and when he sees me I say " How's your arm doing " he says " Good, no thanks to your buddies " I put my hands up in surrender " Woah man, didn't come over to start nothing, just wanted to make conversation " and put my hands down I looked up and seen Aisha and Tory talking with Sam and say " Look not everyone in Cobra Kai is a asshole " and walk off to where Aisha and Tory are and hear " Come on one drink " and Aisha says " Alright one drink " and say " Sounds like a party " and they look at me and Sam says " Did you invite all of Cobra Kai " I say " It would definitely make things interesting but no just me and  Ms. Sarcastic " I finish lightly bumping her hip with mine and smile and we head off. We had a few drinks and were walking away when Sam comes up to us and says " Hey, my moms missing her wallet " and Tory says " Sucks for her " and she says " You wouldn't know anything about that " and Aisha says " Wait, wait, what are you saying " Sam says " Just give me the wallet and I wont tell security " Tory " Are you freaking kidding me " I say " She didn't steal your mom's wallet Princess " Sam says " Right, and she didn't steal a bottle of Vodka and wouldn't steal half the silverware in here" Tory " Listen I didnt rob your mom bitch, come on let's get out of here " Sam goes to grab her bag and Tory pushes her into the table making all the food fall on her and runs away and I go after her.

Tory and I end up hanging out a bit more and I say " So now that you know more about me any chance you willing to go on a date with me " she looks at me and says " Maybe depends what it is " I say " I was thinking we'd go to Golf and stuff arcade, play some games, say I let you win to save some pride, maybe go on the ferris wheel and make out " she smiles and comes up to me really close and says " Why not just skip to the end " I say " Maybe " and she kisses me which I respond to and soon separate and says " Everything you hoped in the date " I say " Not sure, might need to try again to make sure " I smirk and kiss her as she holds the back of my head to keep me there till moments later we separate and says " And now " I smile " Definitely a good first date maybe we can go to our second date soon " she smiles a bit and I put my arm around her as we walk. 

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