➣ now viewing: chat with @bbbyreiis

rei 🌸 ( bbbyreiis )

rei 🌸
haeun babes

did you finish decoding the
scripted codes 😍

girlie it's been 5 hours since our video call

anyways what you eating for
din dins? maybe you could
come over to my house🥺

baby girl haeunnnn

hi rei

yes I did finish decoding
the handwriting

I understand absolutely

rei 🌸
you're still stuck
in ninth grade

don't expose me like
that. ass☹️

anyways I can't come
over to your place I'm going
out with jihoon for dindin

rei 🌸
im gonna become
rcta to jihoon

this is so mean

sorry but we need
our private time

rei 🌸
you and your
snogging issues 😖

if only you were
a man...

rei 🌸
yup i know im
everyone's type
you DONT need
to say that again🥰


➣ now viewing: group chat with @bbbyreiis , @rihanzpocket , @kyujujang , @tazzzki & @knyseoos

DaffodilHigh's Main Slayers ( 7 members )

rihan ‼️
guys what's 7^2 x abc(686) / (72.76/abc) if a = 7 and b =a^3/9 and c = 4^2/4^5

is that chemistry or some shit

rihan ‼️
sorry forgot ur dumb
@knyseoos answer plz bbg

it's 1277211270 cm trust

rihan ‼️
oh i trust u alright
bbg 😍😍😍

>> rihan ‼️ >> ok
well u asked the group chat?!

twink looking ass
🤨 by kyujin, rihan ‼️

oh that's...

rei 🌸
guys haeuns cheating
on me with some dude
called jihoon

oh he's so handsome
i totally ship him and haeun
more than u and haeun

rei 🌸
yeseo your supposed
to be on my side ☹️

>> rei 🌸 >> see this
is why you are unloved

rei 🌸
>> takiii >> i bet you've
never had ass or kissed
someone in ur life

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