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~MEETING M.X.E.S~ (RELATIONSHIP?. Not Specified!. We just met him!. Lol.)

Rubble and Ruin...that's all that was left of the pizzaplex...why were you here?.
You were here in search of your sister...Cassie....
She tended to have a habit of sneaking away and for a child of her age- that was quite impressive but it also made your job as the older sibling a nightmare at times....
Taking a step further into the rubble, you froze, jumping in fright as a large animatronic ran in front of you!.
You stared at the robot in awe...she was so broken...
Taking a couple steps closer you started to examine the bot...something had eaten up at the metal...
"This is weird..."
You said a loud to yourself.

"I hope Cassie is okay...."
Taking a step back, you heard a loud crackling noise, jumping up, you took hold of your now burning foot.
"Ow!. What the heck was that?!?."
You shouted, your eyes widened at the sound of what sounded like Chica running...luckily she was running away somewhere in the opposite direction of you...
"Thank God..."
You muttered worried that she may have came at you.
But no...picking up what looked to be a mask, your thoughts became clouded with confusion.
"Where did this come from?..."
Messing with the wires you hummed in satisfaction.
"Alright...that should do it...."
Upon placing the mask onto your face, Your eyes widened as everything around you had turned purple....You had never seen anything like this before....

"What...is this?...."
You asked to nobody in particular...Or so you thought.
You jumped at the sound of a high pitched voice.
"Hi, my name is Helpy!. Your happy and helpful companion!."
Your eyes widened as a white and purple bear appeared.
"Now that i've introduced myself!. What's your name?."
He asked in a cheery tone.
It took you a minute to process this...

"Um...My name is (Y/n.)...Could you help me find my sister Cassie please?. She's much younger than me and-
Before you could finish- Helpy disappeared, lines of gray & purple colors took over the screen.
Then a rabbit appeared...and he did not look very thrilled...
He pointed a finger to you, then the screen went black for a few moments...
You then felt a rather large hand being placed on the top of your shoulder...
Reaching a hand back, you placed it on top of whatever was trying to get your attention.
"H-Hello?." You asked in a quite tone.
Nothing....It hadn't said a word to you....
Your breath hitched as its hand moved, its hand now rested on top of yours....
You had finally mustered up the courage to look back and sighed in relief seeing that it was just the bunny from the mask...Of course you were still a bit shaken up by this thing but it seemed to have friendly intentions...

"Who are you?. Do you know where I can find my Sister Cassie?. I appologize if she made any messes or um...
Looking around you realized that maybe your choose of wording wasn't all that appropriate ...after all the place was in literal ruins...
You looked back to the rabbit and gave a nervous smile.
"I'll help to fix whatever messes she made..And if not that then I promise the second that she is found...We'll be taking out leave...So...Will you help me please?. I'm really worried that something bad might happen to her...."
The rabbit nodded and teleported to a spot in front of you, waving a hand he motoned for you to follow.

SaMs & Security Breach AU's!. X Reader!. ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt