The Wedding

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It was the day of the wedding. It was the day that Alex and Charlie were tying the knot. The day that they were making it official that they were spending the rest of their lives together. It was the start of the rest of their lives. It was going to be unforgettable. It was the start of the next chapter of love. It's the next chapter of their relationship. Zach,Jess,Tony and their other friends were going to be at the wedding ceremony along with Bill and Carolyn Standall and Mr. St. George. It was going to be something special for them as  it's the start of their forever.
Everyone was ready for the ceremony now. Alexander Dean Standall and Charles Hayden Brixton St. George's forever starts today with them getting married. They're excited to be getting to their next chapter. They're excited to start the next chapter of their relationship,the next chapter of love. Today's ceremony is the start of the next chapter of their relationship and their lives.

The Reverend said,"Good afternoon, lovely folks! We're gathered here on this spectacular day to witness the union of Alexander and Charles. Alexander and Charles today is not just about pretty invitations and a stunning venue. It's about the wild ride you've been on since you first crossed paths. Remember the time when you first met? You figured out each other's quirks,learned how to make each other laugh, and discovered the art of supporting one another through life's less-than-simple moments. You even managed to blend your families, friends, and communities into a new village, filled with warmth and enthusiasm. And guess what? Today, you're the mayors of that love-filled village. Marriages come with their fair share of challenges, but today is a celebration of the love that already conquered many obstacles which proves their love's strong. Alexander and Charles have each written their vows. Alexander,you may read your vows."

Alex says,"To my one true love,my soulmate and the man who showed me what love truly is when we started dating. Fate decided to put you in my path and you saved my life.  Charlie  I often wonder if meeting you sooner could have prevented me from doing what I did to myself but I'm beyond grateful to have you in my life now. You've made me a better person in every way. I wouldn't be where I am today without you.  Charles Hayden Brixton St. George you are my savior,you've made me a better person and you've shown me what true love is. You'll never understand how much having you in my life has saved me from myself. You make me smile,you bring me joy and you make me feel worthy of love. I didn't know what it was like to feel truly loved until I met you. I love you more than words can say. You are the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. There is no one else for me. You know how to calm my insecurities just by being kind, wonderful, and loving me unconditionally. You're always there for me, even when I'm feeling down on myself. You tell me that I deserve your kindness, even when I feel like I don't. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. I promise to love you forever, through good times and bad. I promise to always be there for you, and to always make you feel loved. I promise to make you laugh, to make you smile, and to make you feel joy. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you more than anything in the world."

The Reverend said,"Charles, you may read your vows." Charlie said,"To my soulmate,my best friend,the boyfriend who taught me what love is in a relationship,Alexander Dean Standall I stand before you today, filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy. From the moment our paths crossed, my life was forever changed. You've shown me the true meaning of love, and I will cherish every moment we share together. I can't believe that you are mine and I'm yours. It's a dream come true to have found someone like you, someone who complements me in every way. You are my only love, and there's nobody else I want to be with. Alex you hold a special place in my heart that no one else can ever fill. You're my first love, and I know you'll be my only love. Our connection is unbreakable and I can't imagine a future without you. You are my life's greatest treasure, my saving grace and the one who makes my life brighter just by being in it. You are the kindest,most compassionate and most loving person I know. You deserve all the love you give to others, and I promise to always cherish and nurture our bond. You are the bestest person I've ever seen in my life, and I am honored to be your love. I promise to always love you, no matter what life throws our way. I'll be there for you in sickness and in health,through the ups and downs of life. I'll always be your biggest cheerleader,your shoulder to lean on and your partner in crime. I love you with my whole entire heart and soul and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.  You are my life's greatest treasure, the first person I ever fell in love with and the one who made my life brighter just by being in it. I will always love you, until the day that death do us part, babe. You are my soulmate, my best friend, and my one true love."

The Reverend said,"And to everyone here, do you promise to stand by this couple, to remind them of their vows, and to act as an example of love and family? Please yell a hearty “We do!” Alexander and Charles have chosen these rings to represent the unbreakable circle of life and love. Please place them on each other’s ring fingers and repeat after me:"I give you this ring to remind you of this day when in front of our closest community we vowed that our love can overcome all things  that our love unites,inspires and celebrates and will continue do so for the rest of our lives."Alex and Charlie say,"I give you this ring to remind you of this day when in front of our closest community we vowed that our love can overcome all things  that our love unites,inspires and celebrates and will continue do so for the rest of our lives."

The Reverend said,"Alexander and Charles it is with such joy that I now send you out into the world to spread the beautiful light that you share with those around you. By the power vested in me, I now, for the first time, pronounce you married. You may seal the marriage with a kiss." Alex and Charlie share a kiss. Their friends and family cheer loudly. Alex and Charlie were officially in the next chapter of their lives,the next chapter of their relationship. They were married. As the ceremony comes to an end,Alex and Charlie were extremely happy with how it went. Everything was amazing and sweet. They embrace as Bill and Carolyn Standall and Mr. St. George along with Zach,Jess,Tony and their other friends approach and couldn't help but smile big. Alex and Charlie pose side by side embracing each other for the pictures.

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