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Word Count: 2222


A week later, the class had finally settled in. You sat in your seat, tired gaze tracing your buoyant classmates as they conversed, a small smile on your face. Though you were still adjusting to your new life, the distraction of school was enough to keep you from thinking about the commission all the time. 

"Hey (Y/N)! I-I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about your quirk now that I've seen it in action.."

Your gaze snapped to the green haired boy now standing in front of your desk, hugging his notebook to his chest with a hopeful expression on his face. You shrugged, it couldn't hurt.

"Yeah sure, ask away."

A bashful grin spread across his freckled face as he plopped down in Todoroki's seat since he wasn't there yet. The boy then pulled out his notebook, flipping to a bookmarked page covered in writing and a rough sketch of you in your hero costume. 

"Alright, so first of all, how did you trick Todoroki and Shoji in the hero vs. villains training exercise? It seemed complex but us viewers couldn't tell what you did."

"You guys didn't see what they did because I only used my quirk on Todoroki and Shoji. Basically, I can manipulate the senses of people, so I made myself invisible to them by manipulating their vision. Then I manipulated Shoji's vision so that he saw a fake me running off, which is why he looked like he was chasing nothing. When I got to Todoroki, I made Shoji go blind and then had Todoroki see my fake instead. I could've made both of them see it, but then their comms wouldn't make sense and they would know something was off. Anyways, Todoroki froze my clone and I took that opportunity to touch the bomb and win."

Midoriya nodded thoughtfully to himself and scribbled more random words over the page. His eyes were blown wide, her quirk finally making sense to him since watching her didn't really do much to explain anything. 

"That's so cool! All Might was right, that really was a good plan."

"Uh huh."

Midoriya sweatdropped at her curt response, taking it as an end to the conversation. Still, he was happy he got to talk to her. The boy grinned sheepishly and grabbed his chair, pulling it back to his desk.

The bell rung, and your classmates ran to their seats. You sighed and pressed your cheek to your palm as you half-listened to Mr. Aizawa's droning monologue. 


Your mouth watered as you sat down next to Kirishima, your favorite food in hand. The redhead instantly smiled at you and pulled out his own lunch, his cheeks tinted a soft pink.

Eventually the rest of the bakusquad got their meals and sat down around you and Kirishima. Instead of being tense like you usually were around people, you had begun to feel somewhat comfortable around them. You still would need some time to get used to seeing Bakugo again considering any thought of him was like uprooting the past you tried to bury, but you were managing.

Loud chatter filled the cafeteria as your little group began discussing random things. You stayed silent for most of it, you generally would rather observe than talk. Not really listening much to the current conversation, you spaced out, staring at your plate in silence.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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