the transfer student

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"Did you hear about the new transfer student?" Someone whispered in kutaru's ear. "And what's interesting about that??" Kutaru replied back in a sharp tone and then began to walk away.

As kutaru entered the library, she was greeted by a loud yell. "Heyy! Kutaru!! Over hereee!" Sumihiko shouted.

Sumihiko didn't even realize that someone was behind him before the person started to speak in a harsh tone. "Could you keep your voice down. This is a library, after all."

Next to sumihiko was Kanata. He was standing quietly and thinking to himself, but when he heard Karen arguing, he turned to face her. Kanata was glaring at the rude person for a short amount of time.

Karen couldn't take the serious and offending expression of Kanata and ran back to her original place.

Sumihiko, as kind-hearted as he is, ignored the situation. He immediately
Started speaking. "Soo.. I'm guessing you already know about the transfer student, right?"

"Yes," Kutaru nodded in response. "But, the thing is, I don't understand why it's such a big deal?"

"Yoshiteru didn't tell you??" Sumihiko replied. "Awh, man, now I have to explain.." he frowned while speaking. "Just go and talk to touko, yoshiteru, or aoba in private, and don't ask any more questions because I'm tired."

Kutaru rushed over to yoshiteru out of curiosity. Yoshiteru was standing next to his locker. He looked like he was looking for something.

Kutaru stopped running and approached yoshiteru quietly. Then she started to speak."yoshiteru, sumihiko sent me to you. Could you please explain what the deal is with the new student?"she asked while patiently waiting for an answer.

Yoshiteru starts speaking, "Oh, I guess no one told you." He took a deep breath and started talking.

"This is a private type of subject. We must not talk about it in public." Yoshiteru whispered to Kutaru. "Follow me outside." He mumbled. Kutaru followed as Yoshiteru began walking outside. He stopped after reaching a sakura tree.

"Can you explain now?" Kutaru groaned as she has been waiting for an answer since forever.

"Alright, alright, I'll explain." Yoshuteru replied back with a warm smile. "But this is seriously dangerous." his expression changed from warm to serious

Hello! This is the end of chapter 1!
I decided to stop here because it's 3am
Almost turning 4am. I'm also deeply sorry I ended this chapter with a cliffhanger! Goodnight or good day!

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