"I'll pay double" Yet again, she cut him off before he could go on with the useless excuses.

"Miss Sheriff--"

"Triple" That certainly shut him up and got his attention.

He paused, his eyes gauging her expression. He was pretty good at reading people's expression, and at the moment, he could tell from the stern look she held up and the tightening of her lips that she was serious. She meant every word she uttered.

And she was up for such business.

His lips slowly stretched into a small smirk. "Alright then" He gave up on trying to feign ignorance, as he leaned back comfortably on the chair, now sporting a look as if he won the lottery-and in a way, he did. "What is it you want exactly?" He was open for business, especially if it will bring in the money.

What's the point of holding up the saint look when he's not one?

In this line of business, there are no saints. You just work for the highest bidder and of course, there are a lot willing to offer the money.

"Like I said, I don't want her to ever get out" She crossed her arms over her torso, her eyes narrowing at the thought of that woman. "Make sure she rots in here for the rest of her miserable life"

He hummed, bobbing his head slightly. He is obviously curious as to what could make her hate Zainab that much—perhaps, it's because of that scandal involving her? He though. He didn't ask though, because women issues are none of his concern—the money is. "That won't be easy though. You know she has a good lawyer; not to mention, she is pretty influential on her own"

Nadine gave him a deadpanned look. Holding herself back from rolling her eyes, she picked up her bag and pulled out something before dropping it on the table between them. "Write your price" She said, gesturing to the cheque and the pen. "Write down how much you want in order to do as I asked"

Normally, she would much rather spend her money on anything else that doesn't concern that woman. However, ZainabShamaki has been pushing her buttons and she is fed up! The audacity of that woman to say such words to her when they met at Almaz Foods.

Not to mention, Hakeem ditched her that day too and left her looking stupid, and like some attention seeking woman. That annoyed her to no ends.

To say she was tired of being treated that way will be an understatement. It was obvious both Hakeem, his mother and this Zainab have been underestimating her threats and took it as empty words.

She would show them what she is capable of.

The world revolves around money, and she, Nadine Abiola Sheriff was born into it. She would ruinZainabShamaki with everything she has.

Hakeem isn't exempted either.

He keeps forgetting exactly what she is capable of. It's time for her to remind him who the woman he truly married is.

The Commissioner, now amused knowing he indeed hit the jackpot didn't waste a moment to write down his price. When he was done, Nadine simply gave him a curt nod to seal the deal. It's a hefty price, but whatever it takes to get rid of Zainab.

"Is there anything else you want?" He questioned, not wanting to miss an opportunity to please his new boss.

She was about to shake her head no when she remembered something. Brows drawn in, and lips set into a frown, she nodded. "Yes. I heard you have some evidence to prove she did it, right?"

He nodded. "Yes. The gun found at the crime scene had her finger prints and we received an anonymous video recently which clearly serves as a motive"

"An anonymous video?" She doubts anything indicting Zainab will come out of the blue like he says. It has to be Suraj or Azeez behind this.

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