Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It wasn’t until the following night that the band started to discuss all of what Shiana had told them. Piper knew Mauve would speak her mind, and she had no problem with that.

“I’m going to talk about the elephant in the room,” Mauve said once everyone had arrived.

“I expected that,” Piper admitted.

“Mauve,” Evan warned.

“No, I’m giving my opinion,” Mauve grew louder.

“Then say it,” Piper encouraged with a wave of her hand.

“You just forgave her as if nothing had happened.”

“Because I know her,” Piper said calmly.

“And you believed every word she said,” Mauve protested.

“Yes, because I know her,” Piper repeated.

“She tried to steal your music!”

“Mauve, I’ll tell you what, if she doesn’t come good on what she promised, then you can say I told you so.”

“I will,” Mauve huffed.

“You might like to know that Shiana and I had a video call with our old record producer this morning. He’s interested in us. He wants to hear our sound, so I’ve set up some studio time to record a demo for him,” Piper told them with a smile.

“Really?” Mauve managed to squeak as the other band members looked on in amazement, hardly believing what they had heard.

“Does that mean you’re paying for the studio time?” Evan asked.

“I’ve worked with these people before. I also want to pay for it, so that it’s our own music. Our old record producer may not like our sound, which gives us the opportunity to take our music elsewhere if we need to,” Piper explained.

“You’ve really thought this over, haven’t you?” Evan asked.

“Not me. I told you I’m a mess, and I have no idea what I’m doing in my life. This was all Shiana. She had planned this more than I could ever imagine. All she ever needed was a reason to get us free, and she already had the next step ready to go,” Piper said proudly.

“How do you know she’s not doing this with her parents backing,” Mauve asked suspiciously.

Piper paused, “I guess I don’t know. This is only the very beginning stages of it, and you guys will have a say in anything that happens. If something looks dodgy, then speak up.”

“It all just sounds too good to be true,” Mauve said with a frown.

“Give us a chance, Mauve,” Evan replied.

“Ev, you’ve got to agree with me,” Mauve complained.

“This is a great opportunity for the band. Did you even consider a few months ago that  you’d know who Shiana was?”

Mauve said nothing but peered between her brother and Piper with a frown growing ever deeper. Logan and Kaeden just peered at Evan.

“Okay, let’s say if it all falls through and nothing comes of this plan,” Piper said into the growing silence, “then what have you lost? I’m not telling you to quit your job or that you’re going to find instant fame and fortune. All I’m offering is an opportunity.”

Once again, all eyes focused on Evan, who sighed, “this is a joint decision,” he insisted.

“Not really,” Logan finally spoke.

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