"No. Later."

"You're so mean."

"Evil, dear."

And with that, she leaves the dorm.


You walk into the grand hall where a lot of students are already waiting. You're wearing black trousers with a black corset and a transparent black button up. You notice Lesso talking with Dovey, so you don't go and disturb her but walk around instead until you find Hester.

"Y/N! Havent seen you in a while, you little slut."

You smile at her.

"I've been spending a lot of time with the Dean, haven't I?"

"You have, which is great for you."

"How have you been?"

"I've been great, causing trouble whenever I can, you know? You?"

"I've been better than ever actually..."

You both smile and the ceremony starts.


You hear Lesso yell and everyone scurries to sit down.

Dovey gives Lesso a look before starting talking.

"Hello Evers and Nevers. Today, you will be gaining your finger glow. As you probably know by now, the stronger the emotion, the stronger the magic. Be careful, dear students. Now if you'll please line up."

Students get up and get in line in front of the two deans.

"Evers, have nothing to fear. This will be harmless."

"Nevers... this is going to hurt."

You see that smile on Lesso's face and instantly, you know that when she told you it wouldn't hurt that much, that was just a straight up lie.

When your turn comes, you meet her eyes and she gives you the smallest smile. You present her your finger and she puts the needle in it. You whince in pain and flinch and Lesso chuckles before removing it. Your finger glows purple. The same color as hers. You look at her and she gives you a wink before you walk out of the way.

As you're sitting at one of the benches and watching Lesso give their finger glow to other students, Hester comes and sits beside you.

"You really like her, huh?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well for one, you've been staring at her for 10 minutes. Then, look at your finger."

You look down and it's indeed glowing a strong purple light. You hide it in your palm as your close your other fingers to make a fist. The stronger the emotions...

"Yeah, I really like her... I think I even love her."

"Nevers can't love."

"Yet I'm pretty sure she feels the same way..."


At dinner, you notice that Lesso isn't at the teacher's table as usual. You get up from your seat and head to her office in the school for Evil.

When you get there, you knock on the door which opens automatically.

"Come in, sweetheart."

You go in and look at her. She seems to be filling paperwork or something.

"Am I at a wrong moment."

"No, just don't distract me too much."

"What are you doing?"

"I need to send letters to the parents to let them know their... kids have unlocked their power to its full force."

"Oh, that's... boring."

"It is, dear. But it need to be done."

You walk to her and stroked her arm before kissing her jaw and neck.

"I told you not to distract me."

"15 minutes off won't kill you and it might even help you relax."

"What are you thinking, then?"

You lower yourself and crawl underneath her desk.


You untie her trousers.


"Do you want me to or not?"

She looks you in the eyes and nods. She's normally obviously the dominant one and rarely let your pleasure her. You slide her trousers down with her panties and you pull her closer and you lean in and kiss her inner thigh.

"So perfect."

You go further until you reach her sex and you kiss her clit before licking it. Lesso's hand goes in your hair and she pushes your head further in.

You suck on her clit gently, gaining a groan from the Dean. You lap at her, your hands going to each side of her thighs. You feel her slowly start shaking and you hear her rapid breathing.

You go slower and trail kisses and lick down to her entrance. She's soaked wet already and you let your tongue enter her. Lesso moans and pulls on your hair as you smile against her and lap at her, making your tongue go in and out of her.

You go back to her clit and suck as hard as you can.

"Y/K, FUCK!"

Lesso bucks her hips against your face and in that moment, you can't help but think about how it would feel if she rode your face... and wonder if she'd even agree to it. You keep alternating between sucking and licking while your mind wanders there, making you even more soaked than you already were.

As you suck on her clit, you make two fingers enter her sex and you move them fast inside her, feeling her pull on your hair.

A short moment later, you feel her come on your fingers and you lick her clean, tasting her and moaning at the taste of her.

"Fucking hell, doll."

She looks at you breathlessly with a satisfied smile and strokes your cheek before pulling you up and making you sit in her lap. You smile at her innocently and she presses her lips against yours, her tongue entering your mouth and tasting herself onto you.

"I'm addicted to you, love."

You smile brightly at the pet name.

"Can I help you with the letters?"

"Sure, I'll fill them up and you can seek them in the envelopes?"

You nod and smile before getting off of her and Lesso rearranges herself before you both get to work.

Okay, school is really having a toll on me, so I don't really have time to write 😭 I certainly failed my chemistry exam and it stressed me so much... hope you enjoyed this chapter though.

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