Chapter 4

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The three girls came over to introduce themselves. Hester, Dot and Anadil. You introduced yourself to them and you all got ready for the gathering. You put your favorite trousers on with a black long sleeve shirt and put a bit of makeup. Once you were all ready to go, you made your way to the school for good.

You all sat together on the benches. Everyone was talking and the Nevers were laughing of the Evers with their colorful dresses and their stupid smiles. Suddenly, you heard someone shout
"SHUT UP!" you turned over to the woman to realize it was Lady Lesso. You both made eye contact and you held it, not wanting her to think you were scared. A wicked grin appeared on her face. She was surprised that you dared to look at her in the eyes for so long and she finally looked away.

A woman wearing a yellow gown spoke.

"I'm professor Dovey, Dean of the school for good."

"And I'm Lady Lesso, Dean of the school for Evil."

You were certain that you saw Lady Lesso look at you, but maybe it was just in your mind.

Some princes then showed all of the students some of their "talents". The show was so boring, you kept rolling your eyes and yawning. When you read your books, you didn't think the princes were like this. You were quite disappointed. Every now or then, you looked over to Lesso, she seemed to be incredibly bored and kinda disgusted by the show.

When that guy named Tedros walked in, you thought there would finally be some action, but he definitely just wanted to show off his sword and who he was. When he was done, you decided to get up and teach him a lesson. You actually might also wanted to catch the dean's eyes.

"Yes y/n! Show him who you are."

You heard Hester say behind you. You actually didn't really know what to do, you'd never actually fought, but you stole one of the wolves axes and made you way to the middle of the room. Everyone looked at you. Especially Tedros.

"No, I'm not fighting a girl. Come on Never girl, go back to your seat."

"Sweetheart, you should listen to him and give up before you get hurt."

You heard Dovey say. Your axe then magically became on fire and you felt magic rush through your body.

"My name is y/n and you should prepare. This is going to hurt."

You ran to him and tried to hit him with the axe, but he blocked you every time. He reached to your tight and cut you slightly, but enough so you had a hard time walking.

"You fucking dork, those were my favorites trousers and you ruined them!"

"Then give up y/n and it'll be the only thing ruined."

You lowered your weapon as a sign of abandonment. You then rapidly knocked the prince on the head with the non-cutting side of the axe. He fell down and you heard cheers from the Nevers and cries from the Ever girls. You then heard heels behind you.

Lady Lesso x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now