Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:
The animal in the trees.

This letter, this letter could hold the answer to so many things. Nan's secrets for her fudge browines or why she stopped talking to me after I was 13. Yet this letter could also hold nothing of great importance... Questions like that made me wonder why I was even thinking of them in the first place. I could easily just open the letter now and see but I felt like something wasn't right, if I opened it now it would be bad.

With a sigh I shoved the letter back into my pocket. I would open it when it felt right, when it felt like it was time. But that time,was not now. I still had to make it to the old house, the one where no one really knew about it and if they did know, they were long dead. So I had to push on.

Using the tree I had been leaning on I stand up, my legs screaming at me to sit back down but I couldn't listen. I had to keep going, I must keep going. The thought of just sitting here, in the open scared me slightly. What if someone happen to see me? And they told my father? I couldn't risk it. I can't risk it. If I go back... I'll be dead and with my family I would not be seeing white as thr first colour I open my eyes too. It would be shades of read and black.

There was not much hope for me as an angel and I find them to look... too good. I would rather something like a demon. At least demons look better, or that's what Nan said anyway. She would talk to them all the time, summon them up just to talk to them or check in. It was strange because demons seemed to love her. Not in the sense they and fallen in love, no. But in the sense that they trusted her, liked it when she called them to earth. It was strange, I never got to see one, yet Nan would summon them up all the time...

"Just because you didn't see them don't mean they see not real." I hissed to myself, demons were plenty real. They had to be, I'm not going to doubt myself over something that stupid.

Shaking my head slightly I pushed off the wall, taking a wobbly step before falling back onto the cold ground. This was not going well, I could even stand on my own right. I was using that tree before to keep be up right but the moment I try and stand alone, let a lone take a step... I fall. This is stupid and unfair, if I squint hard enough I can see the rotting house. It's just past the trees, just a few meters... like 20 maybe more.

"Shit! Please work. If I crawl I will end up in so much more pain. Just let me walk!" I scream at my legs, tears in my eyes again but this time it was not from the wind. I just wanted to get to safety, I would rest then but right now, I needed to get to that house, that was my safe place for now.

A snap of a stick made my blood run cold. I whipped my head around, looking around me at the trees. Was it my father? Or one of the wolves that were said to be out here? Or a hunter who happened to hear my scream? Fear started to spread through me, it was a hell of a feeling. My numb legs and the pain that came with them started to fade away, the cold wind was even colder and now, I felt small and helpless. Like I had screamed out foe the world to hear.

Just as I was about to count my losses and crawl away I see something red. Squinting I could see what looked like a deer pattern? But said animal looked to big to be a normal deer. I got a better look as it slowly walked over, beautiful black anterlers stood out against the animals red coat. Small bits of black on its legs and the tips of the ears. Even the spots on it were a black, standing out against the ruby red coat. The animal was like no other. Red eyes seemed to by looking over my form. Confused and worried, I tried to me back. My action's stopping the animal mid step.

It tilted its head slowly as if worried it would startle me again. Not knowing what else to do, and slightly in wonder about this strange deer like animal I copied its moments and tilted my head slowly with it. The animals ears flicked back against its head and let out a small huff that made me giggle. It was rather cute, bigger then anything I have seen that looks like a deer but I was not one to label it as a monster yet.

I looked away for a second, now paranoid that there was something else in the trees whating us. But a second was all this deer needed to get closer, laying down at my side. The animals warm body made my jump, making it look at me, taking care not to hit my with its horns. Shaking my head slightly at the animal, I gave it a small smile it was such a pretty animal and so kind and gentle.

"You have such a lovely coat... such a pretty red... I feel bad for you... it must be hard to hide." I spoke softly, one of the deer's ears swivelled to face me, clearly listing to me and my senseless words. Thr deer thing seem to be looking around, if I had to guess I would say it wad looking for danger but I am no deer... or whatever this animal is so I didn't know what was going through its head.

Reaching out and gently placed my hand on thr deer's back, it flinched slightly but didn't make a move to get away from me, or harm me. It was probly just got a bit startled that was all. A small smile found its way on my face as I gently pat the animal. It was wild and yet it was treating me as it's owner, as if I raised it from a young one. I was greatful I wanst alone, I dint want to be alone, not when I am so close to panicking about sitting in the open in the woods. So having just that bit of company was nice.

"Thank you... deer. Even if I die later... thank you for letting me pat you.." The feelings of how tired I had been started to nip at my brain, making it hard to keep thoughts other then wanting to sleep out of my mind. My eyes were the next to catch on and they felt heavy. It took long and longer for me to re open my eyes with each blink. I guess after all of the adrenaline had worn off how tired mg body was, had started to made demands I take some rest now. And I was powerless to fight it off so I let the warm embrace of sleep catch me.

"Sleep well... my dear." Even the voice of an unknown man could not shake me from the sleep that was taking over. Who ever it was, I hoped they didn't wait until I woke up to kill me. I hope they were fast about it. I didn't want to wake up only to suffer more... I was over it.

Hello hello!
Ayano here, I just wanna say sorry again that it's not that long of a chapter.  I wanted to hint at things and end it with a small cliff hanger.

Anyway, if you like this book and want to get a notification when new chapters drop consider putting this book in your library or reading list!

If you have any ideas on what could happen next or how y/n will act when she wakes up let me know in the comments! I will try and respond to all of them. Or if you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments too!

Stay safe, remember to drink and eat, take brakes when you need them! Until next time!

His little deer. {Alastor x Reader.} Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now