EP 2 the Special World

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It seems Mark and the others would talk to Duran about the vassals kingdoms, the Saderan Empire and the land and in return mark told him some history about his world and about the concept of Demons

Mark: "you see that's how we even got this powerful to begin with, you're quite lucky it's us, then again it could've been Battania" Witch would use magic to translate it

Duran: "fantastic, that would explain very much of your power but what exactly did you mean be lucky"

Mark: "well the gate appears around my main capital as well as my home and the Kingdom of Valor my territory" he would pull out a map to show to Duran

Duran: (he's showing the map of his world, doesn't he know the risk)

Rimuru: "we're all aware of the risk of showing you but it's best to give you some knowledge, to make you understand the world the Saderan empire declared war on" witch would translate what rimuru said

Mark: "right here" he would point towards East near the south but also the North: "that the Kingdom of Valor, relative new compared to the other kingdoms with 100s of years of history"

Duran also being translated: (quite a simple map of the world, it's like one big continent, and other 5 major powers) "I recognize the 2 kingdoms symbols, they're the same as on the battlefield"

Mark: "that's right those 2 are our direct allies, they're the kingdom we trust deeply, the other kingdoms are neutral due to the Demon War, Fallmus"

Fallmus: "here's the some reference to demons" he would show a few paper to show the demons: "these are lower grade demons, the imps, the color demons, and beast Demons, unlike me of the greater demons or Arch Demons, we would be called enemies of the Gods"

Duran: "if that's so why do you have demons with you?"

Fallmus: "the reason I'm with my lord is cause of a deal, thus I serve him as my King, and my subordinates under him"

Mark: "yeah, though be warn, monsters in our world are also unlike this world, sometimes bad as demon and much of them have dragons, giant beasts and ancient beings"

Duran: "the more I hear of it, the more you're describing what many believe the underworld or a unlivable world"

Nori: "I wouldn't exactly say you're wrong, back then it was hell, but we're still alive you see, we made the kingdom of Valor thanks to that very war and destroyed our previous rulers"

Mark: "yup, but we're getting out of topic, now the 2 kingdoms the north is Asknar the Ice cold land of ruthless winter and giants and the West the Kingdom of the Beastman Fradin, they're what you guys called Demi humans, we may had to backhand those who try to insult them"

Witch: "I told them not to, though some couldn't exactly resist"

Duran: (that would explain the giants and those man with wings): "so they came to your aid when the Empire invaded your lands"

Mark: "I mean yeah, that's the gist, though it seems resurrection magic may take a while to bring back your allies"

Duran eyes would widen when he hear that's "what you have that make, a magic to defy the gods"

Mark: "for you it may be defying the gods for us, as long we can fight or choose to fight, and as well as the souls is willing and the body is strong, we can bring those to us life but you know I have something to ask"

Duran: "though why would you help rebolster your enemy's armies and and did you resurrect the empire soldiers"

Nori: "we're not that generous, it takes a toll to the body and we don't resurrect those who killed our innocent people, and the main reason we had it was due to the Demon wars" he would seems to contain some anger within him before gripping his blade

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