I'm Scared Of Losing You.

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Dear Max, 

Things have been so crazy in Hawkins this week and I miss you so much it hurts. Everyone misses you, especially Lucas and El.  Your mom has been coming to the hospital a couple times a week. I can tell she's trying to get her life together but It's definitely hard for her, it's hard for everyone. Sorry for going all soppy and shit, I had been taking every chance I get to hang out with the group and me and Steve are even thinking about getting a house together. It could be our new hangout house for the whole gang to stay at when times are rough. Now is not the best time to be buying a house though. The reconstructors are definitely not ready to sell houses and me and Steve are kinda broke. I was thinking about inviting Nance to me and Steve's future home, but I get too shy when it comes to talking to her. I miss our talks when we got to rant about our silly crush's. I miss when times were easier. Not like times have ever been the easiest but right now it's the worst but having all my friends makes it easier. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I'm scared of the supernatural shit obviously but I'm more scared of losing everyone. I'm scared of losing you. You are so easy to talk to and I miss you so much. When you wake up, I'm going to give you the biggest hug you've ever experienced. I love you and i will be with you no matter what.

Love, Robin

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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