Scarlet Letter

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As people flooed in, the four new guests mingled with everyone. Now the question was, who would recognize them?


As everyone finished saying pleasantries Molly noticed the new faces, "Oh! How rude of me! I'm Molly Weasley and are my sons-" When she glanced behind her she noticed that no one was there and she rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. "If you see any redheads, they're my kids." She huffed, annoyed that Fred and George were goofing off. "What are your names? It's been a while since we had new members."

One Death Eater, a young man with a tattoo of a kiwi bird on his neck, smiled, "Loyd and my friends are Jesse and Gus. We came with our boss, Tom. He is chatting with Albus." He said pointing to his two fellow Death Eaters and then towards the main table.

"Hello-" Molly gasped momentarily after looking at the table where Tom was, making the Death Eaters tense up ready to fight. "We don't have enough seats!" She exclaimed, not liking that the three men were standing.

Tom's followers immediately relaxed as it seems she was only interested in being a good host. They let her conjure up a few chairs, but they had to think of a polite way to refuse sitting at the table. After all, if this goes the way they think it will then two people will bolt for the nearest exit.

All the doors and windows were spelled shut by Dumbledore. Tom and the Death Eaters rigged the place so no one could apparate out and then some. If anyone used an offensive spell or potentially fatal spell they'd get stuck in a binding spell.

Staying in the area that is right in front of the floo is a strategic move. Thankfully, the three Death Eaters had three other people covering for them. Their boss and new allies were ready to assist.

Albus noticed that the table was almost full, "Oh dear, that's my fault. However, this is not the time to rearrange everything for a bigger table. Have a seat, Molly. I'll make the appropriate changes after everyone is home."

"You have a point, Albus." Molly answered a little hesitantly and took a glance at the three young men. The young men just smiled reassuringly and finally went to the table. "Sit in your chairs properly, you two!" She snapped at the two red haired teens, Fred and George. "Now why were we all asked to come, Albus?" She felt a little more relaxed when Remus leaned over and whispered something to the boys.

Surely, the well mannered werewolf was helping settle them. Molly still wished her husband had a more flexible schedule to help keep them behaved. Unfortunately, being an Auror, especially one with such a big family, needs to work. She usually updates Arthur about what happened during the meetings later on. Normally, there wasn't much to report ...

"I'll let Moody start." Albus said, noticing that the potion bag was, in fact, gone.

Moody probably used the rush of people to slip the bag to his accomplice. They most likely shrank it and hid it in their pockets. Tom, the Death Eaters and Albus were all watching the floo. Even the normally uncooperative house elf, Kreacher, seemed very keen on preventing everyone from leaving so the accomplice must still be there.

Perhaps some drama will get things moving. Remus already knew the plan and had started a trick of his own with the twins.

Moody got almost everyone's attention by slamming his hand on the letter, which was lying on the table, "This letter-"

'"Who are you?!" The shocked twins asked the newcomer, who was leaning back in his chair with his eyes looking up at the ceiling casually. Coincidentally, the twins were seated with Remus, who was exchanging glances with the other Death Eaters.

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