Chapter Three

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Art is a feeling

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Art is a feeling. Making art is an experience more than a pursuit, it is a tether between minds; the plank that bridges two passing ships.

There's something enchanting about sitting alone in your own private space, with silver glow stones for light, a stained brush in one hand, and bottles of ink serenaded at your feet while you give a bleed expression into a blank canvas.

Enchanting, was not, however, how a certain princess was feeling in this same scenario. She felt rather stuck, and that had been happening to her too often lately.

"Hmm..." she sat back on her high-backed chair, regarding her work-in-progress with a critical eye. Golden pinpricks of stars on a black background so they looked like fireflies in the darkest of nights. She supposed it could be something but what?

A single glance to her right where she usually discarded her 'not-good-enough' works contrived a frown to marr her smooth facial features.

That pile's slowly becoming a mountain of discarded dreams.

Just then came a persistent set of irritating knocks on her door. She exhaled deeply, carefully putting her brush and ink tray aside. She unbolted the door and before she could address the unwanted visitor, they pushed her aside and helped themselves inside.

"Bellie! Father is seeing someone. We have to go see," Nasmine said without preamble. She could be like that on some days.

"Father is always seeing someone, Nas. Besides, I'm busy."

Nasmine narrowed her eyes at her and snorted. "Yes, you sure are. But it's different this time. It's him."

A pause. Him?

"You're certain?"

"Almost. We have to be quick. Galmonis is leading them in already." Nasmine was already pulling her out of the studio. Bellie allowed herself to be pulled.

"Any idea of where he'll be meeting them?"

"His private study," Nasmine answered without turning back.

It was late and the maids had taken their leaves for the night so the broad cream-coloured tapestried corridors were empty for the sisters' near sprint to their father's private study.

A silver jewel on Nasmine's wrist caught her eye as they raced on. "Where did you get that?"

"Get what?" Nasmine asked as they reached the old storeroom behind their father's study room.

"The bracelet. I don't recall you ever having it until now."

"Oh, this, Anzio gave it to me." She grinned as they snuck into the storeroom. "I dared him to take it from his mother's collection and the silly boy did." She whispered conspiratorially. Her mirthful glee dissolved in the face of Bellie's stern disapproval.

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