Chapter 4 - Ice Cream

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 "Once again, authorities are urging online users to encrypt their data more than ever to avoid the growing online cult known as 'Dressed and Smiling'. Members have been known to seriously harass people online. Please, do your best to secure your information."

"Dearest Louisianans, police urge you to lock your doors and windows. Please be sure to secure your locks and arm your home. The authorities have also set a curfew of 9 pm for the sake of your safety. Please, stay inside and in large groups."


"And then he kissed her right in front of- Y/N?"


[Bestie] frowned, "Are you in there?"


That was a bold-faced lie. You were definitely not paying attention. Perhaps you would've if it wasn't for the endless nagging at the back of your mind. You had more important things to think about than your best friend's friend's scumbag boyfriend cheating on her. You'd known he was trash from the moment you'd met him. Were they all really that surprised by this?

"You're distracted."


"What's wrong?"

"You won't believe me if I tell you."

"...Wanna get ice cream instead of talking about it?"


The two of you stood up from your table at the cafe and walked towards the exit. They opened the door for you and smiled playfully, "Ladies first, my dear."

You rolled your eyes, "How chivalrous."

"Only for you, darling."

"Uh huh. Right."

The two of you got into [Bestie]'s car, and they started driving.

"How's the cult going?"

"...They're doxxing people."

[Bestie] sucked in a breath, "Bad. Got it."

"Someone killed and ate their teacher too."



[Bestie] frowned, "Hey, you still carry those damn tapes with you?"

"One of em."

"Pop it in."

"...You sure?"



"Go on."


"I'm curious."



"Come on, put it in already!"

You slid the tape into the player. It whirred and began to play.

"Yikes. That audio quality is total ass."

You shrugged, "To be fair, it was the 20's."

"When did this ancient fucker die again?"



The audio began.

"Hello! Welcome back, Ladies and Gents! Pleasure to be seeing you again-QUITE A PLEASURE! Today we have some very important news from the local police office! If everyone could please pay close attention, I would appreciate it very much."

Worship. // HAZBIN HOTEL X FEM. READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora