Undercover couple

33 1 7

Thinking about making this into a series but it's in the works!!!

Everyone knew me and Bucky didnt get on. If you didn't , you would hear or see. We shout at each other constantly, give each other silent looks and genuinely ignore each other. You can imagine my surprise when i walked to the elevator this morning and was met with the familiar brunette inside. I made my way inside and lifted my finger to press the button to the Directors office, when a gruff voice stopped me.

"Already pressed it"

I turn to look at him and nod, the doors shut and then the realization kicks in. No, no no I'm not going on a mission with him am I? I shake the thoughts from my head and , instead I'm forced to be present in the agonizing silence. He makes no effort to talk, better for me. The door open and I step out first, silently praying he would be walking the other way to the vending machine or something but no. He was walking right behind me. This cannot be happening.

I knock on the door to the Director's office, Bucky putting his hands in his pockets and few spaces behind me. The voice on the other side mumbles and I take that as my cue to go in. I open the oak door and walk in first, nodding my head as I sit down on the chair in front of his desk. Barnes however doesn't sit down. He closes the door and stays standing, leaning his shoulder on the book shelf.

Director Fury turns around and places his elbows on the table. I could tell by his demeanor that something was up. I listened carefully as i watched his mouth move.

"You guys remember that mission the Avengers went on a few weeks ago?" He asks, looking between the pair of us.

"The one where they visited that old Hydra base that turned out to be full of HYDRA agents?" I ask, folding my arms.

Fury nods. "One of the sneaky bastards managed to grab something extremely valuable to S.H.I.E.L.D on the Quinjet while Banner was cooling off and the others were inside. I need it back" He explains.

I nod my head but of course Bucky just had to start something. "So you want us to go all the way to the middle of no where and grab it?" He asks with a stern expression, I'm worried his face will stay like that forever.

Fury turns the computer on his desk towards us. I lean forwards to look and Bucky walks over, placing his hand on the back of my chair and leaning forwards to have a look. "What are we looking at?" I ask.

"Luckily for us, the briefcase that agent stole had a tracker on it, in case something like this happened. They're in the center of New York, planning to make a deal with someone about it tomorrow night," he turns the screen back to him. Bucky doesn't move away, "You two will drive to a motel. I've organized the rooms and forwarded the details you. This is an undercover mission. The exchange is going on in a night club in the middle of the city. You will be there 7pm sharp. Take any means necessary".

"What are we going undercover as?" Bucky asks, finally moving away and I lean back in my chair. Fury looks between both of us before moving his eyes towards him again. "Honeymoon couple. You have relations in NYC and are staying with them for a few days while you look around the city. You guys wanted to go grab some drinks after all your sight seeing today"

My mouth dries as he tells us this will be a honeymoon couple like mission. Could have picked anyone else, hell I'd go with anybody! Just not him, not Bucky.

Fury dismisses us and Bucky lets me walk out of the room first. Even though he may be a dick, he's still got all the manners from the 'old days'. I nod at Fury and walk out of the room, Bucky soon after. He closes the door gently behind me before walking ahead of me.

"I'll meet you at the front of the tower at 6, don't be late or I'll leave without you" He tells me, before i have a chance to respond he's gone to another room. I sigh and take the elevator back to my room.

This should be interesting.


"Took your sweet time didn't you?" He smirks as I get into the car and close the door.

"Shut up and drive" I tell him as I fasten my seatbelt.

He sighs but begins driving. The club we're going to is one of the highest rated in New York, so of course I brought a few different kinds of dresses. I wonder what he was going to wear, shut up i tell myself.

"Did you bring your suit?" I ask as I look out the window.

"Yeah yeah I did" he nods as he adjusts himself in his seat. Maybe he didn't have anything bitchy to say today? Im not sure, his silence was appreciated.

"What's the name of the motel again?" He asks as he looks over at me. I pull out my phone and scan the message until I see the name. "The Gates" I tell him as I click into the images, "Decent enough".

He nods and continues to drive. The radio plays softly in the background. "I can't believe he put us together" he mumbles.

"Glad we can agree on something," I say as we wait for the lights to turn green, "Just for the record I'm not a fan of this idea"

He smirks and looks over at me, a teasing look in his blue eyes.

"Me neither sweetheart"

And then we drive off.

Marvel x Y/N Oneshots book 2!!Where stories live. Discover now