The Mission- B.B

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Buckys POV:

When I heard we were going to Sokovia I was initially against the idea. Travelling is overrated and a mission was the last thing I needed right now. Especially with her.

Her being Y/N. She was beautiful, smart, funny and kind. Which is exactly why I don't like her. I cannot let her get too close to me, I'm not a safe person to be around hell I'm not even safe enough to be around myself. There's no way I'd allow myself get close to her. But god it was hard.

The day started early, Y/N was in the kitchen, of course. She was always up early, she had a set routine that she stuck to everyday. Wake up, workout, shower, eat, work, dinner, bed. And she always stuck to it.

I walked into the kitchen and looked through the presses as she sat at the kitchen stool and ate her food. She offered me a polite smile, to which I nodded.

"You know, I've never been to Sokovia, what's it like?" She asks curiously as she takes another bite of her food.

"From what I've heard it's nice. Quite, not much around, pretty hidden"

"Sounds perfect to me"

I fight the urge to smile at this. She was so comfortable around her natural environment, she loved the quite. The quite loved her.

A few hours later we were boarding the quintet, courtesy of SHIELD. I didn't really take much notice to anything, except for when someone sat next to me.

I didn't need to look to see it was her, who else would sit next to me. She didn't talk, it's like she could read me. I never liked talking before missions, it bothered me and I needed to get into my headspace.

Starks voice boomed over the intercom as he gave us a run through of the mission. Y/N rolled her eyes at his tone and I fought the urge to laugh.

The quintet lands as we all start to head out. I could see Y/N walking up ahead from me, I had this weird instinct to look out for her. Stop it Barnes.

The base we were going too was in the middle of no where, off the edge of Sokovia. Steve told me stories about Sokovia when I got back and I always wanted to visit. And like he said, there was nobody around

Myself and Steve took the left side of the base, scoping out the area. His tactics were silent, look his footsteps. I liked the way he worked, it made it easier for me to focus without someone yapping.

Suddenly I hear a "pst" behind me, I raised my gun and quickly turned around but there was nothing there. My eyes narrowed confusingly, I know I didn't imagine that. I looked back expecting to see Steve but he has continued walking already, as if he didn't hear it.

I shook my head and continued walking. Maybe I did imagine it, maybe it was the wind. I caught up with Steve as we continued walking, suddenly there's a whooshing sound and Steve's shield is gone from his hands.

We look at each other in confusion and then look at the now man staring back at us.

"You didn't see that coming?" He smirks as he drops the SHIELD and runs again.

My eyes widen as I see what we're dealing with, Steve grabs his radio but a voice beats us to it.

"We've got a problem"

It's Nat, as she doesn't sound too happy. I lean in closer to listen.

"We've got an enhanced girl on our shoulders. Stay alert, I saw her eyes flashing red. I got split up from Y/N and somethings wrong with Clint. I think she's put him under a spell or something"

Steve replies back into the walkie, "Yeah Nat we've got another one. He's got super speed, careful okay?"


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