Glimpse of you

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Days had passed since Toge had been at training. It was well past midnight, and Yuta knew he shouldn't have been up. But he was. He was standing infront of Toge's door, too. Yuta gently knocked. Toge probably wasn't awake. Yuta was probably there for nothing.

But the chance that Toge answered the door made his heart pound. It would be worth it, he knew it. He heard soft footsteps. He couldn't tell where they were coming from, but it wasn't Toge's room.

Yuta whipped his head around. Then he saw it. Toge. He was still in his uniform and everything.

"Toge..?" Yuta muttered with confusion. He stepped towards the shorter boy. "What are you doing out? Why are you still dressed? You should be sleeping! After all, you're sick and..." Yuta trailed off as something clicked in his head. Toge had never been sick. That was a lie. Toge looked at the ground. He knew that Yuta knew.

Yuta sighed and shook his head. He was kind of disappointed. But not as much as he was worried. Why would Toge skip school? Was he ok?

"Let's talk in your room, ok?" Yuta said softly. Toge nodded and walked over to his door. He pulled out his key. The door had been locked and everything!

Where the fuck had Toge been? Yuta couldn't get the question out of his head. His concern was mixed with partial annoyance at the other boy.

Toge pulled the door open and gestured for Yuta to follow him in.

Toge's room was dark and cold. It was very neat, too. Yuta followed Toge in with trepidation.

Yuta shut the door behind him and immediately ran over to Toge. He just held the boy in his arms for a few moments. "You're an idiot. You had me so worried." Yuta murmured against Toge's hair, which he'd buried his face into.

Toge sighed and nodded. Yuta pulled away. It sucked, not being about to talk to Toge. Toge wasn't able to really vocalize his thoughts without running the risk of hurting someone.

"Toge..." Yuta shook his head. He looked down at the boy. Toge seemed guilty. "Come to training tomorrow, please. Stop worrying us for no reason." Yuta pleaded.

Nobody else was really that worried. It was Yuta who was worried.

Toge nodded.

His eyes had this odd shine to them. One of true guilt. Yuta had never seen it from Toge. Toge was so fun loving. He pulled pranks all the time. For him to be guilty was odd.

Yuta felt bad. He realized he was too harsh.

"I'm sorry, Toge." He said gently. He ruffled Toge's hair. "I'll let you get some sleep." Yuta turned to walk away, but something stopped him. Toge had grabbed his sleeve. Yuta looked at him with wide eyes.

"You want me to stay? back at the hotel?" Yuta blushed at the remembrance. Toge nodded.

Toge was trying to send him signals. But what kind of signals? He'd have to ask Maki. She was better at reading people than him.

Yuta smiled and wrapped his arms around Toge before lifting him. Toge yelped at the sudden gesture, but quickly covered his mouth. He didn't want anyone hearing that.

"You're light." He commented as he carried Toge to his bed.

If only Yuta knew.

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