IIII. Jalens chapter

Start from the beginning

she sighed, rubbing her temple. "My brother is something else Jay, he's been protective with me ever since college. Dating an athlete before I have had a fair share of heartbreaks, but it's always been me trying to prove myself in this type of world."

"Shit Mora, I did not know you were his sister."

"what does this mean for the both of us then?" Jalen didn't know how to answer her question, he didn't know how to exactly say well I'm sorry I can't talk to you because I'm your brother's closest friend's.

he just wanted to hold her and assure her it would be okay and they can move past their own statuses. But it's not like that in the real world, being surrounded by the same groups of people, being surrounded by the same group when you go to award shows and parties. It was as if his heart was torn out of his chest.

"I don't know Zamora, I really don't know. I wish I had a clear answer for you." She swirled her fork along the plate, Jalen immediately was able to tell that the answer did hurt her feelings. He didn't know how to express exactly how he felt, because he felt like he didn't deserve a girl like Zamora.

she finished her drink, and sat the napkin on the table. "I want to go home now, please."

"Are you sure? Zamora I still want to spend time with you?"

"why? It's not going to work out, you know my brother. You're a star in the world, my brother he's just so protective. You can't even say you want this to work because you know it can't Jalen." He knew he didn't want it that way, but he knew it had to be that way.

A weekend of fun was over, a weekend of fun that he wanted to last forever ended.

Zamora. The name that made his heart flutter. The girl that smiled at every one his corny jokes, all it took was one weekend. One weekend to find out that no matter how hard they could've tried, it wouldn't work out.

"ok then, let's go I'll take you home." Jalen paid, tipped the server quickly and walked out with Zamora opening the door for her.

walking back to the car, they kept their distance. Zamora just walked behind him, and Jalen walked ahead of her to open the door for her.

"thank you for breakfast Jay, I completely forgot to tell you thank you. I enjoyed the food." Her tone went flat. Jalen knew that's not what she wanted to hear, but it's all he could let out.

why admit that he didn't want to end things? Zamora agreed with him, they both knew even if they tried nothing good would come out of it.

Jalen hopped into the front seat, and for two minutes they sat in silence. she turned the other way, holding her hands in her lap. He turned to her wanting to say something, wanting to say anything.

but he never did.

'Gang over luv' played, and he started to drive. The drive back home was 35 minutes with traffic from her apartment, and he knew the whole car ride would be silence.

"I like this song a lot, Brent is another one of my favorite artists too." She muttered, he nodded and looked down at her hands again. Zamora kept her hands still the entire time, looking straight ahead.

"Me too. I loved when he came to Philadelphia me and some friends went to see him when he was getting bigger and I loved the concert so much." It was so hard because they had so much in common, they liked the same music, same food and same interests. It was so hard for Jalen to contain himself.

"I wanted to apologize to you personally. I know that's not what you wanted to hear and I apologize honestly. I know you like me and so do I, but the world we live in right now it's hard to apply pressure to you especially when your brother is in the same friend group as me. I'm sure you know Odell Beckham Jr. I'm sure you know Stefon Diggs, I'm sure you know the group is made up of girls and guys. You know the people who Jayson hangs out with, you know that we go out and party. I don't want to hurt your feelings and you expecting you want something from this because I don't know if I can give you that right now."

"I have no words. The way you treated me, the way you complimented me. It changed because you know my brother! only damn reason. But it's fine, I'll let you live your life and I live mine. I'm perfectly fine with us being friends, we were bound to see each other at an award show or a banquet." Zamora had high hopes for them, but she knew they would never come true. It was too good to be true, to find an amazing guy but always had to have a downfall with it.

"I still think you're so amazing, and had such a great time with you this past weekend. It's just better we stay friends right now."

The friend-zoned, something Jalen hated to say. He knew he liked Zamora, but he swallowed his pride and tried to let down her in the easiest way possible.

"I could've have agreed more with you." She replied. Her voice was cold, mean-spirited but Jalen knew he deserved that he knew he deserved for her to snap back.

eventually, they made it back to her apartment and he parked and lowered the music. Facing each other, Zamora looked at him with hope in her eyes, hoping for him to change his mind.

Jalen never did, he never said anything after that but kiss the top of her head and hold her close one more time before she had to leave the car.

"Goodbye Jalen, it was so nice to hang out with you." She opened the car door, and slammed it shut with tears brimming in her eyes.

He waited till she left. He waited till she made it to the front door of her lobby.

Waiting five minutes, he looked at the passenger seat her perfume still lingering. Rubbing the top of his head, he sighed and started driving.

The entire time, one thing was only in his mind.


authors note💌
the fact that my writing is
being recognized. I almost
have 200 reads and I'm
so happy with the progress
so far I have a good feeling
about this book. 💕

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