Chapter 1 - Back to the Beginning

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A/N: This contains depictions of graphic violence, blood, mentioned murder, horror-related depictions and more stuff that may be sensitive to younger readers!

Please be supervised while reading as this may cause you anxiety or sensitivity

Thank you.

- F.D Wallace


Chapter 1: Back to the Beginning


Branch enters Pop Village, but it was quiet, you can only hear the wind, the rest of Kismet walked up from behind him, Branch didn't remember seeing the village like this, what happened to it?

Boom: Whoah! Last time we saw Pop Village it was buzzing with chaos, but now it's...

Trickee: Quiet...

Branch stepped forward, looking around the dead village, only seeing the pods and the nature that surrounded it, Hype walked up to him, his face turning into a worried expression.

Hype: I... Don't like it... Should we go?

Branch shook his head, he couldn't leave his home, he then saw two Troll-like figures, one hanging on the trees, they had blonde messy hair, Branch saw their pink legs, it was Viva, and on the ground was another Troll-like figure, with greenish-blonde hair, they had the same skin tone as Branch

Branch: ... Clay?... Viva!?

The two didn't respond, instead they were still hanging/crawling in the same space... No movement, Branch walked close to them, but Ablaze stopped him, a hand gripped onto Branch's shoulder

Ablaze: Don't... They don't look Harmless...

Branch: Clay is my brother and Viva is Poppy's sister! Of course I trust them Ablaze!!!

Hype then noticed a chain of eyes in between the two, the eyes rotated to their view, Branch and Ablaze then stopped arguing as they heard a shriek from Hype.

Ablaze: Hype... Are you okay?

Hype: e-e--eyes... B--be---hind you...

Branch and Ablaze then turned their heads around seeing a chain of eyes in between Viva and Clay, the eyes were staring directly at them, were they too loud? No...

It seemed as if Viva and Clay didn't hear a word they said... At least that was Hype's thought, but he theorised that the eyes may have heard them

Ablaze then backed up one space, he then spoke.

Ablaze: H--hey... M--maybe we should... G--go...

Viva and Clay then turned their heads around a full 360°, Branch's eyes then dilated, "What the..." He thought, they definitely didn't look normal...

Branch: Guys, I think we need to run... NOW!!

They then bolted off, Branch grabbed Hype's hand as Hype wasn't that fast enough like the others, Branch darted across the woods along with the rest of the four, Hype breathed, and breathed faster, his heart was beating like the speed of a rocket...

They then skidded to a halt, realising that Viva was in front of them, her expression was emotionless.

No smile appeared, Branch noticed the chain of eyes were longer, it might've been because of how apart her and Clay are, Viva twisted her head to hang the right way, they could hear bones crack as she twisted it...

Suddenly, Branch and Kismet were rushed behind a stoned wall, wings covered the three Kismet member's mouths, but Branch's were covered by a muddy lilac hand, Hype's mouth was covered by the right palm, Branch muffled cuss words, once the two were gone, the figure uncovered their mouths...

????: is everyone okay!?

Branch: What the F-ck was that-

Branch: B--Barb...?

Barb: Hehe, hi!

Branch embraced the Queen of Hard Rock, she then returned the hug, Ablaze and the others raised eyebrows

Ablaze: Wh--who is that? Your girlfriend???

Branch: ... I swear to god if you ever say that again I will punch you in the f-cking face Blazer!!!

Ablaze: Ok, ok, but is she your girlfriend though? Just asking!!

Branch: F-ck... No!!

Ablaze: Okay, okay, jeez!


- Barb's campsite -


Barb: It all started at the start of your tour... Poppy was first... Then Creek... Hickory... Chaz... Val went missing... *Sobs*... John Dory... But... Floyd... He... *Sobs*... S--s--sorry I--I--I, just, miss Debs... I don't know where she is...

Branch: Hey, it's okay, you can continue but... Please, start from the beginning...

Barb: Okay, I'll start from the beginning...




Hope you enjoyed it!!! Sry if it was short

A/N: I'm only doing the dialogue "name: ...." Like that for this chapter but the next chapters will not be like that!

Also, this is Parb and Breek so if you do not respect these ships then leave this story, but if you do, then stay if you want to!


Word count: 773 words! That's a lot for me!


Goodbye and goodnight! Sweet dreams to all!


See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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Retribution Penalties: A Trolls World Tour Virus AUWhere stories live. Discover now