-American Boy-

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Ophelia was in America again and about to meet the cast of her dreams...

She was currently passing around her hotel room when she heard a knock on her door, she hurriedly walked to the door and opened it. It was Momona.
"Momo!" She yelled throwing her arms around Momo hugging her tightly. Momo hugged her back as someone behind her cleared their voice it was walker...

"Hi I'm Ophelia" Ophelia said calmly at least she was trying to be when she had literally just met her idol. "Walker" he said smiling and sticking a hand out to shake hers. 'Oh my god' Ophelia thought to herself walker fucking scobell was smiling at her 'OH MY GODDDD' she regained control of her fangirly thoughts and reminded herself he was going to her costar and she couldn't act like that and needed to be professional. She shook his hand smiling slightly. "Well let's go downstairs meet the rest of the cast, unless you two wanna get to you know, know eachother" Momona interrupted giving Ophelia a knowing wink. Walker and Ophelia went red. "Let's just go meet up with the cast" walker suggested.
"Yeah definitely" Ophelia said masking her sigh of relief.

And so the three headed downstairs to meet up with the rest of the cast. In the lobby they ran into the rest of the cast. Dove, Aidan, Robert and Emma were all standing off to the side talking amongst themselves,in Ophelia's mind they looked like the year 7s at her secondary school the way they were bunched up and talking Jenna was talking to the director about something but smiled when she saw the group of 3 walking towards them. "Momona, Walker, Ophelia" she said walking up to them smiling. Jenna was an angel sent from heaven Ophelia thought to Herself. "It's so great to meet you" Ophelia said stretching out a hand to shake jennas who threw her arms around Ophelia and hugged her and then Momona and walker. "Come over this is, Dove Cameron, Aidan Gallagher, Robert Sheeran and my wifey Emma Myers" Jenna said pointing at each of the cast in turn. "Nice to meet you all" Walker said Momona smiled and Ophelia waved nervously.

Before they all proceeded to take about the script and the show....

A/N: HIIII This is so bad I'm sorry I'm gonna try get in going next few chapters and I'll try update more recently but rn Friday is the day I'm probably gonna update but I have the next week off because of half term so I'll update more then maybe even a date on valentines but not to sure yet<3 Don't be a ghost reader please comment and stuff I love you all thank you ml<333

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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