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Author POV-

"How the hell can you get pregnant Irene? I did not even fuck you. And even if I did, we always used protection. So where is this coming from?" Jungkook stated, feeling way too irritated with her lies.

"You don't believe me? Sometimes protection really doesn't work. And instead of being happy, why the fuck are you angry at me? You just fulfilled my father's wish. So cut this crap and get back home. With me."

"I won't. I don't believe that it's my child whatsoever. So shut up and get lost. Out. Now!" Jungkook lost it. Never in his life did he think that his wife could go this low to make him the bad guy. He was wrong, to some extent, but it was both of their fault.

"You don't believe me do you? Okay. I'll bring the DNA tests. If that is true, you cannot leave me. Ever. Okay?" She said, confident with her choice of words, which made Taehyung feel a bit uncomfortable with his own overpowering thoughts.

"Okay. Whatever." Jungkook replied and Irene walked off. But not before, smiling towards Taehyung which was noticed by the older himself.

"Baby, are you sure that the child, will not be yours?" Taehyung exclaimed. Jungkook chuckled.

"Child? I even doubt that there's a single thing in that stomach except her fats. So shut up and just focus on me." Jungkook reassured, as he kissed his boyfriend's worries away. They felt happy like this. It was their own little home and they wanted nothing more than that. To be  held in each other's embrace, to look at each other's face during the start of the day, everything  was just them, them and them.

A few weeks passed and everything felt very cliche for Taehyung. He believed jungkook, and that was all that it mattered. But the confident look he saw on Irene's nasty face made his heart pound in nervousness. He could not focus on anything, let alone his work, he could not even look at his boyfriend's face without thinking of that bitchy attitude of his so called "wife " Taehyung only now came to realise that jungkook and Irene were no different. They both were cheating and he was the main reason for it. Or so he thought.

Soon, it was the day of the DNA test results and they both, along with Irene were waiting in front of the doctors clinic with anticipated hearts.

The doctor came out with a very happy look on his face. Which could only mean one thing, and Taehyung was close to a melt down.

"Congratulations both of you. The DNA s does match. I hope the baby is in great hands."

And suddenly, everything was just black and white for the older. He stood there, processing his words, looking at the joyful faces of the couple who did not give a damn for the older. The happiest look on jungkook's face, made Taehyung want to punch him on the face. For the very first time, he started to hate that smile. For the very first time, he started to hate the baby growing inside Irene's womb. Call it murderous, call it evil , the older forgot every ounce of sympathy when he looked at  younger's face.

"Aren't you happy tae tae? Irene and I are going to be parents!!" His awfully high pitched voice, which was a blessing for the older, now pierced his ears.

Taehyung did not say anything, he just stood there, glaring at the overly joyed jungkook's face as tear drops left his face one after another. The tears of betrayal, and the tears of agony.

"Fuck you." Was all that the older said, before he left the hospital corridors, running and panting for air, which seemed to be suffoccating him.

Jungkook just stood there, processing what was wrong with the older, but he soon got pulledin by irene and he suddenly forgot about the older. Only his baby, the unborn baby, was all he could think about.

Call him selfish. But aren't we like that too? We don't see other's pain when we find our own happiness and jungkook was in that state of mind.

Phone buzzing sounds were heard from the other line, indicating that the other was not picking up his calls.

"What the fuck is wrong with him chim? He fucking blocked me from everywhere. And by everywhere I mean, even from Twitter!!" Jungkook shouted as he sobbed in his friend's embrace. Jimin just hugged him, unabled to say anything because, it was the younger's fault this time.

"Maybe go to his house? Talking would be the best answer right now jungkook." Jimin suggested, and jungkook slowly wiped his tears nodding a timid one before finally getting up and leaving the latter's house.

Siging a nervous one, jungkook finally rang his supposedly "boyfriend's" doorbell but was soon met with a not so good looking Taehyung. His eyes, which had eyebags under them, and his eyes were bloodshot red, which meant that he had been crying all to many days.

"Oh- my lord tae-"

"What are you doing here Jeon? Shouldn't you be with Irene?" Taehyung's monotone voice made jungkook tear up. The old Taehyung that he never wanted to witness again was back.

Because of him.

"What happened that day tae? Why- and - did you block me?" Jungkook spoke softly, even though he was on the verge of breaking down himself.

"Where are those promises that you made to me? Where are those assuring lies that you always fed to me? Why did you not see my pain before going back to her? Wh-why did you play me? Jeon?" Taehyung spoke, voice rough and tears pouring out tremendously. Jungkook, eyes widened with tears in his eyes, did not think that he broke the older so much but he wasn't wrong either?

"What the fu-fuck do you mean? I did not lie to you when I said that I'm yours tae. Let Irene have the baby and we can go back together as one, with the baby."

Taehyung scoffed.

"You cannot have two things together jungkook!! When will you stop being selfish and learn to- for once be mature!? You are cheating on Irene as well as on me! You cannot just leave her after having the baby. Stop being this immature. And were done!" Taehyung declared turning away nut wanting to witness that broken look of the younger. But he had to do it. Because, jungkook was just being reckless.

"Why are yo-you doing this? I don't love her, I love you!!"

"Then stop being this reckless!! I cannot make you choose between me and her or the baby- in fact. This won't work whatsoever. And I'm not ready for a baby either. He/she will need a mother. What will you do then? Be reckless and go back to her again? Leaving me broken again? Are you even hearing yourself at the moment!?!"

"I don't care. "

"Of course you don't. But I do! So get lost and never show me your face again. Be happy with your wife and your child. Meeting you was such a mistake jungkook. You made me love you and you became selfish yourself. I hate the word love even more now. Thank you."

"N-no tae pl-" and the door was shut. Jungkook kept begging for the door to be opened once, but no one came. He felt devastated. His mind peirced into half, his eyes red from crying.

Who do you think was wrong here? Taehyung or jungkook?

𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 / TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now