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Okay so first imma put that long ass paragraph I posted incase some of y'all haven't read it yet

I've come with my update of my crush even tho I've never even told anyone. I've told only 4 people that including 3 of my guy friends and my history teacher cause I trust her a lot. The first guy I told said that the code name was gonna be frog so imma use frog to address him here. 

So today we had a math quiz and I felt confident thinking I was gonna ace better because it was a retake and last one I got 3/12 but guess what I got for this one. A fucking 2/12. I'm pissed at myself cause I tried so fucking hard I even studied I literally went to sleep at like 10 I think while literally having a mental breakdown cause of friend problems so I tried my fucking bect and this is what I get afterwards I tell frog about my score (he got a 4 but like almost everyone failed the quiz the highest was a fucking 9/12) but yea and then near the end of like lunch after my teachers speech I bursted out fucking crying in the bathroom and my friend in 6th grade saw and hugged me but my history teacher also and then my principal came and asked me what happened but I didn't tell him cause I didn't want him to think I was stupid. So yea I go to my history teachers class and there is frog too and he see's me crying ( I think it was like the 1st time he saw me crying idk) and then when my homeroom teacher saw us he went "what are you guys doing in there come outside" I hid from him tho cause he has seen me cry way too much so like I calmed down a little and right when I was putting on my glasses, frog stands right Infront of me and he fucking opened his arms to give me a hug. A FUCKING HUG FROM MY CRUSH IS AHHHHHHHH but like right when he does that I say "alright lets go" and he drops his arms and goes "aw okay" and my teacher said "aww *frogs name* wanted a hug"  and when we went outside I'm like okay and he opens his arms again and we hug. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm telling him tomorrow then running away since I'm not going to school on friday. 

That was written on 2/7

now I just wanna say sorry lmao I slept at like 6 yesterday so I wasn't able to make this book sooner but yea 

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