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A/N: reused music(I think) also since this is the last chapter. This will either be short or long, I'm not sure. BUT after this book I'm thinking about making a one-shot book of Boyfriend scenarios with MHA men 🤔 thoughts?. ANYWAY Enjoy the Chapter 10 final of Boutta POP.

Twenty-four hours of setting up, Toman is ready to infiltrate Tenjiku. The main men in this operation are dressed in black compression turtle necks with black pants(per the beginning of Takemichi), with their guns at their sides.

A/N: To clarify, the main men in this rescue are: Hakkai,Mitsuya,Chifuyu,Takemichi,Mikey, and Draken.

Anyways. The main four get on their Motorcycles and Rev them up to tail behind the one car that is being driven by Draken and Mikey. The men then start driving to the warehouse where Tenjiku is hiding. They have the money in hand with the feeling of revenge written all over their faces.

With you
At this point in time, you were defeated. Your face is bloody. Some bones are broken, but the one thing you thought they'd spare was just as cut up and bloody as you. They got your stomach. And in that time span, you felt your contractions, and they were terrible.

You whine in pain while you're squirming on the cold warehouse floor, Tenjiku members are nowhere around you they're on the second floor of the wearhouse.

"Please...! HELP ME," you yell, folding yourself into a ball, feeling your contractions get worse. "HELLO!?" You scream again after about five minutes you hear no sign if anyone coming to help you and after that you feel tears brim in the corners of your eyes.

Just then, you hear footsteps, and you see Koko and Hanma walk into the room you're in.

"The hell you yelling for?." Hamna asks sternly.

"You're ruining our fun. " Koko says, looking at you.

You lift your head up slowly to look at the two men in front of you.

"You guys can't leave me here forever.. help me. Please." You plead.

"Hmm," Hanma says as he looks over to Koko. "Nah," they both say in unison.

"You'll be fine." Says Koko. "Quit your wining." Says Hanma

The men then turn to leave until they hear sounds of screaming and gunshots from the second floor.

Mikey leaves the others to handle the real work while him and Draken come to the ground floor to help you.

Draken kicks the door down and clocks his gun.

"I think you Fuckers have something of mine."
He says.

Hanma and Koko look at each other with a shocked look before they get their guns and charge at the two men.

(After a long fight that Ion feel like writing 🙃 hehe)

"I'll take care of these idiots. You go take care of Y/N. " Mikey says

Draken nods his head and rushes straight over to you, and he starts taking off your handcuffs and everything else around your frail body.

"I'm here, baby. Stay with me, " Draken says as he picks you up. His face is sincere, as he holds you. He looks at your bloody face, and you're scratched up belly.

"We're gonna get you to a hospital.. I promise. " He says as he takes you up to the second floor, and he meets up with the others.

(Timeskip cause I'm lazyyy)

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