The Meeting

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Jason sat in a chair. The social worker was staring at him. The clock ticked as they both just stared at each other.

Social Worker: Jason, you can't keep doing this. You can't keep running away and causing trouble.
Jason: Yeah, yeah, I know. You tell me the same thing every time, Herb. This time was an accident.
Herb: Well this "accident" traumatized several kids.

Herb then threw down pictures from security cameras of Jason standing over a cauldron with strange green liquid as a green mushroom cloud with sinister green faces in it. Jason looked uncomfortable.

Herb: Don't worry, Billy is fine

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Herb: Don't worry, Billy is fine. He's in critical condition, but he'll survive.

Jason was relived, knowing that Billy was ok. The Demiboy was also saddened by him getting hurt because of him. Of course he kept his cool and chill facade.

Jason: Uh huh.
Herb: Unfortunately, this isn't the first time you've almost killed someone. There were many reports of you beating someone to near death.
Jason: They had it coming.
Herb: Jason, this is serious! Your violent tendencies have become a serious problem! I can't keep defending you anymore. This is your last chance. If you mess up at this place, you'll be sent to a correctional facility for troubled kids. You don't want that, I don't want that. You're a creative kid, I don't want that spirit broken. So just try to get along with them.

Jason just froze, as if he was weighing their options. He knew he would still cause trouble and when they find his criminal record, they would go back to prison. Possibly for the rest of his life.

Jason: ...Alright Herb, what is it?
Herb: Well, it's a little home in Connecticut. It's actually your birth mother's sister. She has a daughter, she's only 2 years younger than you.
Jason: Staying with my aunt and her 12 year old daughter. I guess I can give it a try. I mean, it beats prison.
Herb: Yeah, I guess so. I'll call her.
Jason: Thanks Herb.

Jason gets up as Herb picks up his phone.

The Humans of The Owl House: Coming Soon

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