Chapter 1

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Many years ago, at the Kent farm, Clark was trying to retrieve his kite, which had been stuck in a tree. Suddenly, he hears a car speeding off into a tree. The driver, a mother tending to her child, had become distracted and didn't see where she was going. "Hey, you gotta slow down! There's a big pothole up there!" Clark yelled but the drivers attention was not on him. The driver droves right into the pothole and they lost control of the car and was about to hit a tree. Clark starts to run after the car that was about to crash into the tree. Suddenly Clark feels something burst out and he speed runs over to the car then he grabs the back of the car and used his strength to stop the car before it hits the tree. Clark open his eyes to see that the car didn't crash, he lets go of the car that droves away. Clark looks at his hands before look back at the tree. Clark walks over to the tree and he gets into running position then he ran so fast then he jumps up and he finally grabs the kite from the tree. Clark smiles but he didn't feel like he was on the ground making him look down to see he was flying. "What? Uh..." Clark said as he drops his kite then he begins to fly above the Kent farm. "Whoa!" Clark cheers as he flies around with a smile then he stops and looks down at the farm. "How am I doing this? Who am I?" Clark asks himself as he begins to wonder how he can do all of these amazing things and what kind of person he really is.

In The Present Day

Clark, now an adult, shares an apartment with his best friend, Jimmy Olsen. Suddenly Clark's alarm starts going off waking up Jimmy. "Clark. Alarm." Jimmy said to him while putting his pillow on his face. "Ha!" Clark said as he sits up and puts on his glasses. "It's today." Clark said to himself and he turns off his alarm but he uses to much of his strength and ends up breaking the clock.

In other apartment, other alarm starts going off. "Lois, turn that thing off." Jesse said to Lois who sits up. "It's today." Lois said to herself then she turns off the clock but the alarm doesn't stop making Lois hit the bottom again and again until it stops. "Jess, get up." Lois said to her. "I will in a minute." Jesse said to her as Lois gets up and picks her clothes then runs to the restroom. Jesse gets up and she picks her outfit for the day then she looks at her phone to see they have some time before they had to go.

Back with Clark who was in the bathroom looking in the mirror. "Hello, sir. Hi, Mr. White. Uh, okay. Shake gently. Do not crush his hand." Clark said to himself as he practicing to shake hands with the someone using the tap while he puts on his red jacket. "Hey, Clark? I gotta pee." Jimmy said from the other side of the door. "Today, just be normal." Clark said to himself as he breaks the sink tap making water go everywhere. Next, Clark goes to his room and he gets dress for a run. "I'm Clark Kent..." Clark said to himself while putting his shoes down. "And this is a dream come true..." Clark said then he rips one of his shoes in half. "Shoes." Clark said to himself.

Back with Jesse and Lois who were all dress now. "Today will be extraordinary!" Lois yells while Jesse fix her hair. "Mr. White. Thank you for calling me in today, because I've got one heck of a story for you. Pew-pew!" Lois said as she does hand guns. "Don't do that to our boss." Jesse said to her. "Right, this is it. This is the story that'll make you a real reporter. You can do this. I can do this." Lois said to herself. "We can do this." Jesse said to her making Lois smile at her. The two girls leave their home and go on a run before they had to go to work.

Meanwhile, Clark was running on the on the sidewalk of a busy street. "I'm gonna hide my powers and be a normal man having a normal day. Starting now." Clark said then he hears a cat meowing making him look over. Clark sees a missing cat poster of a cat who was stuck on a tree. Clark looks around making sure there was no one looking. Clark then used his power of speed and runs to the cat. Clark saves it then he rans to a little girl who been putting the cat missing posters around, Clark gives her the car before running off. "Okay, I had to save the cat. I had to save the cat. I'm a normal man having a normal day, starting now." Clark said to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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