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Michael Leywin POV

"How far from there is their mansion?" I asked to break the uncomfortable silence.

"About 10 kilometres in this direction." Pointed Seris in general West-North.

'That's a bit long distance.' With those thoughts, I channelled Aether to my rune. With a slight cold spread through my body, the world shined with mesh. Reconstructing one of the cubes in such a way so I could get there fast, bluish-purple Aether flew out of me into the space modifying it to accommodate my mind's play.

As Seris's eyes widened with shock at changing the very fabric of space, Ci tugged on her and said.

<"We can go. He soon will be there with us."> Still frozen, Seris nodded her head and they went through Warp Gate while I took my long step into my reshaped space.

A classic feeling of stretching and slight chilliness could be felt in my entire body, concentrating on my brain and the rune's placements. Another step and the chilliness stopped along with the stretching feeling to become one of compression.

<"And there he is"> Siad Ci to Seris.

"You know what?" She said after shaking her head. "I'm not even asking how."

"Good, because I don't think that you would understand enough." I said.

"Come with me. We're going to introduce you two the Denoirs." Said Seris as she started walking to the front doors. Opening the doors she said to the nearby maid. "Bring everyone to the main room."

"Y-Yes Scythe Seris." Said a distressed maid as Seris walked in and to our target.

Following her, I could see many paintings. Most of them were of Alacrya's terrain and only a few had full family. Many sounds could be heard. Most of them bring me slight creaks of wooden panels, a slight crack of wood burned by fire. A dim sound of breath and clang of silver-ware was carried through mana and Aether rich air

The smell of food and firewood was intertwined with the smell of paint and a freshly cleared floor. Ink and paper were carrying it's old and worn scent through ozon-rich air. The scent of old could also be found there woving itself through every other one and conjoining them all together.

Walking through the doors to the main room I could see the big, wooden and stone room. Metal additions were scattered through it making everything stay together and not fall apart from all of the weight it was bearing as it was the only room in the center. An old, large brick-stone fireplace was filling the room with warmth and an orange glow.

The floor was made out of wooden boards. They were old, long and with many tints of brown. There was a considerable, lovely, fluffy, red with gold ornamentals carpet. It was quelling all sounds and giving off home-like warmth. On the carpet, there were several couches, in a horseshoe pattern. Between them large, wood, glass and metal coffee table could be found.

The ceiling was supported by extravagantly shaped beams and brackets that were supporting themselves on the walls. Materials used to make it were mostly wood, stones and mortar, but I could also see small twinkles of metals. From it, a large lustre was hanging. It was made out of crystal-like glass, connected, inscribed and beautified with gold-like metal. On it one could find hundreds of candles, giving bright light to the entire room.

Walls on the sides were adorned with commodes and books. The paintings of all family members sent small shivers as all of them were looking at one place, the doors, giving everyone who walked there cold, unmoving looks. On each side, there was also a pair of doors. Each one of them looked the same. That is wood metal and gold.

The smell of burning wood and fire was spreading and soaking everything and everyone there. Freshly cut wood and cleaned floor panels were emitting foresty-like smells. One could also smell the distinct smell of sweets and drinks, such as coffee and wine.

The sound of fire and breaking wood could be heard filling the room with not only warm but also such sounds. A creak of floorboards and sounds of glass and metal clanking above me filled the room with an interesting symphony that had the accompaniment of structural stress sounds.

In a few words: It was a warm, cosy and nice place.'

While looking through the books, one piqued my interest.

''The Gravedigger of Hailstone' What a strange title. Meaby one day I'll read it.' I thought while looking at the book.

Putting it back between the rest of many books, I went near a certain painting. It was placed on the fireplace's chimney and in it, posing Argona. It was very detailed, but the one thing, to which my eyes were drawn, was his red eyes. Or more like a fact that one of his red eyes had a dull grey-like tint, in some places, and the other had dull pastel light purple.

'Interesting. Another change.' I admire his painting, however wrong that may sound.

The sound of wood creaking and one of opening doors broke me out of this trap. It was Carea along with the rest of her family. Apart from her, everybody had black hair. Man, whom I assumed was Corbett, looked like a typical, maybe a bit better, noble. That is black-eyed, short-haired, with a moustache, short, granted not so fat, barrel.

The woman, whom I assumed to be a foster mother looked similar. Just not a barrel. Instead, she was of normal height and normal, I think, weight. Her hair was longer, but still dark, tied in a noble ponytail-like manner.

The third one was a typical medieval mad scientist teenager. That is messy black hair, black eyes, and a scientist coat that was remade to fit a noble and some other random stuff.

"We are sorry for the late, Scythe Seris, but we were in the middle of the dinner./Mentor?" Said Corbett and Carea at the same time. Former panicking a bit.

"Okay." She accepted the explanation. Pointing at Ci and I, she said."Those two will live with you. For now at least."

"May we know who they are and why?" Looking at us with confusion Corbett asked.

"Their names are Liam and Ciel, who exactly they are, I don't know. Confidential, but also training." She said with a cold tone and I waved, while Ci bowed down.

A/N: As you can see, in the first part of the chapter, I used a more precise description, while in the second part much less of it. And I was wondering, what do you prefer? More immersion or more freedom. Please let me know in the comments and I hope to see you soon.


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