𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. 𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖊

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~~~~Portrayal(s): Lilia Buckingham, Violet Hicks (younger)

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Portrayal(s): Lilia Buckingham, Violet Hicks (younger)

Full Name: Cassandra Traske

Sobriquet (Nickname/Nicknames): "Cassie" (shorter/prefer name), "Cass"

Gender: Female

Age: 16
Parent(s): Jefry Traske (father), Marlene Traske (mother)

Sibling(s): N/A

Significant Other(s): Mike (former lover/ex-boyfriend), Becca Dennison (former close friend; later then girlfriend)

Relative(s): Reverend Traske (ancestor)
Date of Birth: May 9th, 2007

Homeplace: Salem, Massachusetts
Occupation: Student from Samuel Skelton High School
Like(s): Mike (formerly), Halloween, her father, Becca's parents, popularity (formerly), lemon, strawberry, studying, s'mores, novels, parties, Halloween festivals, horror films, flowers, being herself (currently)

Dislike(s): Becca (formerly), Izzy (formerly), Cobweb (formerly), Mike, the Sanderson Sisters, social pressures, being rude to people, especially Becca, misses her mother, scared of being humiliated (formerly)

Ability/Abilities: Intelligence

Paraphernalia(s): Phone, swordstick

Status: Active
Background: Cassie Traske is considered the most well-known and the most popular student in her high school. She used to be friends with Becca and Izzy since childhood. However, it was not until middle school, Cassie met with Mike and both clicked! This doesn't sit well with Becca as several days go by, which lead into an argument with Cassie (with Izzy being involved despite her doing nothing wrong, she wants both Cassie and Becca to talk this out without fighting). Cassie immediately cut ties with Becca and Izzy and shifts herself more towards popularity. Her and Mike would start dating and be together for about two years. 

Comparing all of this to her personal life however, it's not so easy behind the scenes... Cassie hardly knew about her mother, she only sees her in either photos or in family tapes. It was because her mother died during labor with Cassie. She was only raised from her widowed father, Jefry Traske. Cassie's insecure in wanting to fit in and has an insecurity of being humiliated or never being perfect enough which is why she wants to remain popular. Although she's an estranged friend of both Izzy and Becca, she still cares about them deep down.

From her times with Mike, she deeply loves him. Mainly from his charismatic personality and him being popular as her. She feels that her and Mike are like a power couple. However, they do struggle at times from their polar opposite personalities.



- Cassie Traske took inspiration from Sarah Sanderson in the sequel.

- Although Cassie is her real name, it's not the case in the redrafted version. Her real name here is Cassandra. 

- In the sequel, there's a scene shown briefly of her mother revealing that she's present. Although in this redraft, Cassie's mother died during labor with her (especially since she's rarely even in the film anyway).

- In this redraft, Cassie will be showcased a little more regarding her screen time compared to the sequel's rendition. It's because Cassie will have more regarding to her character arc over time. 

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