Ultimately, I knew I would comply with Alex's request. But in that moment, I wanted clarity - something to prepare me for whatever awaited inside, rather than diving into uncertainty. Alex sighed heavily, his frustration evident.

"Look, I know things have been weird between you two lately," he said softly, with sympathy. "But trust me, he needs you right now. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

I shook my head, recalling our last conversation. It was when he was drunk, but even inebriated, one could avoid hurting someone you care about with careless words. We had argued that night, both stressed out, but his rage caught me off guard.

"Yeah, right," I sneered, my lips smacking together as I shifted uncomfortably in my driver's seat. The memory of our last interaction still stung, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. It hurt, really did. I knew him, knew he could be a jerk, but seeing it firsthand, especially towards me, hit like a slap. Plus, I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that lingered, the neglect.

But still, a small part of me couldn't ignore the tug of concern gnawing at my insides. What if Alex was right? What if Kyan truly needed me, despite our recent fight?

The thought unsettled me, stirring a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. With a resigned sigh, I relented.

"Fine, I'll come over," I muttered, my voice heavy with resignation. "But don't expect me to fix things. I can't just pretend like nothing fucking happened." My words carried bitterness and frustration, reflecting the hurt and confusion within me.

Alex's voice softened, carrying understanding. "I don't expect you to fix everything, Ava," he replied empathetically. "But I know Kyan. He's hurting, and he needs his best friend right now, and you are his best friend."

Those words made me reminisce about our times together, from dancing in my dad's garage years ago to chatting on my balcony just months back. "Even if it's just to listen, to be there for him in whatever way you can."

I sighed, gripping the steering wheel tighter, mulling over Alex's words. Frustratingly vague, but I knew I wouldn't get more information unless I committed to going over completely.

Typical guys, always getting into nonsense together but then acting overwhelmed when one was down. Ridiculous how I got called instantly.

"Alright," I conceded, my voice softer now, tinged with reluctant acceptance. "I'll be there."

With that, I ended the call, preparing for whatever awaited at Ky's apartment. I couldn't just sit idly by if there was a chance to help him. Stepping out of the car, I left behind its safety, venturing towards Kyren's familiar apartment. The chilly air greeted me, raindrops hitting my face, sending shivers down my spine as I made my way towards the entrance.

Pushing open the door, I stepped inside. The scent of fresh paint and scented candles lingered, creating a sense of nostalgia. My place was our spot, yet this felt too familiar.

Climbing the stairs, my mind raced with thoughts and emotions. I couldn't help but replay our last conversation, each word cutting deeper than the last.

"Fuck off," he had said. "You're naive, that's what you are."

It was a painful reminder of how swiftly things had changed between us, leaving behind an emptiness that seemed impossible to fill.

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