
Start from the beginning

"Well..." I spin the fork between my fingers as I contemplate shocking them once again. "Do you think you can handle another shocker after last night?" I smile hesitantly. They quickly nod, curiosity coating their expression. I hummed and focused my eyes on the small stack of pancakes in front of me before taking a deep breath. I debate backing out and telling them this was all just a joke, but that would only make things harder for myself. My eyes close and open again quickly, leaving me staring at a decent sized bite mark in my breakfast.

Looking back up across the table, their eyes were wide and their mouth was hung slightly open. "D-did you just...but.. how did you-!?"

"I'm not quite sure myself" I scratch the back of my neck sheepishly. "This is how I've always eaten. But when you first came along when we were younger it freaked you out so I learned how to use utensils."

They lean back in their chair, wide eyes still glued to my plate. "Well I don't blame younger me, that's definitely something. But you can eat however you want to eat Wally. This is probably the least shocking thing I've learned in the last week or so." They giggle lightheartedly.

I let out a small sigh of relief, practically melting as I leaned my head against my hand. "You have such a kind soul." The thoughts circling around my mind come spilling out. "You're too sweet for me."

They look at me with a shocked expression, a pink hue dusting their cheeks. "What do you mean?"

I rub my thumb and index finger together as I think of how to explain my scrambled mind. "Ever since you got here, all I've done is try to scare you away. I was cold and hurtful and you don't deserve that."

The room falls silent, the only sound being the birds chirping outside the window. "Wally?" My eyes, which had been trained on the table in front of me, get a quick glance up at their face. It's soft, a small frown tugging at their lips and I can't help but feel guilty. "How did I leave?"

"Well, as you know, the only way someone can leave is to achieve what they had come here for. For most it was new friends, learn a new skill, or just get to meet us. But since your father brought you here with whatever his twisted goal may have been, when he..." I trailed off, glancing up at them before taking a deep breath to continue "..Since he wasn't here anymore, you basically got a get out of jail free card. You could leave whenever you wanted."

I took a bite of my breakfast, feeling good being able to use my eyes again without scaring them. "So?" I tilted my head in confusion at them. "When did I leave? What did I do?"

My chest tightens. I didn't want to have to tell them this part. I've tried everything I could since they began asking me about leaving to leave this part out. But I guess it can't be avoided anymore. "It wasn't long after your dad. You were homesick, you wanted your mom." My hands gripped the fabric of my pants under the table. "Even though you promised you'd never leave. I tried so hard to convince you to stay until one day you just vanished without a word." I couldn't help the distasteful glare that formed on my face when I looked back at them. I don't want to resent them. I don't think I ever really did, just the fact that they left. "There was no goodbye, no warning. I had to find out from Julie who saw you begging home to bring you back."

I couldn't say any more. If I continued, I knew everything I had bottled up over all these years would come pouring out. All the hateful words I wanted to say to them.

"Wally, I'm so sorry." They mumbled solemnly.

"No you're not." My breathing was uneven. "If you were sorry you wouldn't be trying to leave me again."


I froze in my seat, taken aback by what he had said and unsure of how to respond. "I'm not doing this to leave you behind. My mom is probably going crazy wondering where I am, I was supposed to get all my new furniture delivered weeks ago, I need to start looking for a job..." I fidget with my fork as everything I'm missing in my world comes flooding back at me at once. "I can't just leave my whole life behind."

"But you can!" He practically jumps out of his seat, slowly making his way toward me. "You already have a house, we can get you some new furniture and redecorate, you can even get a job if you want!" He was now standing over me. I slide my chair back to give myself some room to breathe. "We're already having a house warming party for you; it just makes sense!" In one swift motion, he grabbed both arms of the chair I was in, trapping me as he leaned in closer. "And this way, you don't have to leave!"

He's hysterical at this point, reminding me of how he acted when I first got here. Only this time, he was begging me to stay instead of threatening me to leave. "But what about my mom?" I ask in a low tone, terrified of upsetting him.

"You don't need her." He states with a crazed smile. "You have me!"

The gravity of the situation starts setting in and I couldn't help the tears that began to brim my eyes. "He's really not gonna let me leave, is he?"

His eyes widen as a few stray tears break free, smile vanishing from his face. "No no no no no" He mutters softly, kneeling down in front of me and gently cupping my face in his hands as if I were the most fragile thing he's ever seen. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just..." My foggy eyes met his as he sighs "... I just can't lose you again."

I carefully remove his hands from my face, keeping my voice low to try and stop it from breaking. "Is this why you've hated me ever since I got here?" I needed some part of his behavior over these past few weeks to make sense. Why he despised me one moment and now claims he needs me.

He nods, his head hung low. "I'm sorry, I was foolish for taking my anger out on you when you didn't even remember anything."

Gears turn slowly in my head as my hands fidget with his fingers without realizing. "Well, our objective remains the same." He raises an eyebrow at my statement. "We need to throw an awesome housewarming party and figure out who brought me here."

He nods determinedly and moves back to his seat to enjoy his breakfast without utensils while we discussed our upcoming party.

Wally really is an enigma; I don't think I'll ever be able to wrap my mind around what goes on in his head. However, one thing I know for sure is the strange sense of comfort I've seemed to have found in his presence, even if he's given me no reason to trust him.

Heyyy long time no see! Sorry for the long break, there's been a lot going on in my life and school hasn't been making it any easier. But chapters will begin coming out again, slowly but surely :))

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