Chapter Four

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Mari was giggling the whole time during Ag class because she was secretly texting Joey who was behind her. I rolled my eyes, knowing she was hooked on this dude. I mean, I can see it for sure, but why don't they just sit beside each other?

We are preparing our speeches for the FFA competition and I swear to god if I do not go to nationals for these I will actually off myself. I made it to state last year and god forbid I stuttered on one part and it just ended my whole FFA career.

"Alright, enough time reviewing, this is your final." Ms. Klark announced, seeing as though we were about to give our speeches. Joey stood up first since he was the oldest in the class.

His speech was about pigs, how fun. I really could care less about that. 'Pigs are very valueable-' yap yap fucking yap.

On the other hand, mine was about the political side in Agriculture. I don't want to get into detail, but I'd make a fine politician with a mafia husband. If you know what I'm saying.

Once the bell had rang and everybody gave their speeches, Joey and Mari surprisingly walked the halls together. We had English next and that was always a fun class, even if we were reading about idiotic people who were stuck on an island together.

Maddox Mason and Noah Creed were like Mari and I, just a lot more weird. Right now they were doing anime impersonations behind Mr. Rick, and Mari and I were trying our hardest to keep a straight face.

"Maestro no puedo Esperar..." the girl next to Mari started to sing, and my god was that the funniest shit ever.

I took Spanish I last year and we sang that song over and over and over again. It was absolute torcher, but it looks good on my transcript.

"You guys act like Freshman!" Mr. Rick exclaimed to the whole class, which made all of us go silent.

Maddox on the other hand was doing a weird Fortnite dance behind him and Noah was pretending to deepthroat a dick behind her back. How is it that they're never caught?

We got our worksheets, and obviously Mari and I were the first to finish them. I wanted money for the vending machine and Mari had to buy her lunch.

One thing about Mari, she's always prepared.

Meaning she had like three condoms in her wallet at all times.

"I will be right back, I need to make some copies." Mr. Rick announced as he waddled her way to the door and walked out.

Maddox and Noah were still focusing on their work, Mari and I were bored.

"What if I just..." Mari pretended to fling the condom at them both.

Shrugging, I took the condom and flung it towards the two boys, then heard it hit Noah's hair and fall onto Maddox's desk.

"What the-" Noah started out, picking it up and inspecting it.

Mari and I were pretending to focus on our work that was already done. The boys were now laughing and playing with it.

"Who threw this?" Noah laughed with a grin on his face.

Maddox held up a finger like a nerd. "Don't be silly, wrap your Willy!" He announced, which made all of us hold in laughter.

And out of nowhere, I heard the plastic rip and water drip onto the desk from the stuff inside the package. The two boys were laughing as they unraveled it and tossed it around like a lasso.

Mari and I shared a weird look with eachother, almost laughing at the two idiots across the room from us.

It got even weirder when they started to blow they condom up as a balloon. Mari and I couldn't contain our laughter anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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