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Two Weeks after Midoriya’s departure*

Denki: I can’t believe that it has been two whole weeks since Midobro left UA… I mean we never even got to say goodbye to him before he cleaned out his dorm room and wrote each of us those notes…

Shinso: I know… I wish Midoriya would have spoken to us instead of just bottling up his feelings like he always does… I mean I’m supposed to be one of his closest friends yet I had no idea that his mother was such an abusive person… I guess that woman drove Midoriya to his breaking point… And then Midoriya decided that the best decision for him mentally was to move back to his home town…

Mina: Speaking of which… Where in the world is Auradon? Because according to Midobabes note, his parents are named “Belle” and “Adam” and apparently they both live in Auradon…

Tenya: I have never heard of a town known as Auradon before… But I am sure that it is an amazing place if Midoriya chose to move there…

Bakugou: I will never forgive Inko for what she did to Deku… I mean I knew she wasn’t the best mother to him over the years, but I never knew that she brutally hit him whenever she was upset with something… Half the time I barely believed what Izuku told me, because Inko has always been kind to me whenever I stayed over at her house…

Kirishima: Bakubro… I don’t think any of us knew what was actually going on behind the scenes with Midobro’s mother-

Tenya: “Adoptive Mother” Midoriya clearly stated that his real parents live out of town and that he was moving to live with them in a place known as “Auradon”...

Kirishima: Right… Anyways, I don’t think any of us knew how terrible of a person Mrs.Midoriya is until Midobro wrote us those letters and left them in our dorm rooms…

Sero: At least All Might and Aizawa Sensei managed to gather enough proof to get that woman thrown in prison for child neglect and child abuse… I still agree with Denki however about saying goodbye to Midobro… He was such a good friend and he was one of the kindest people in our class…

Momo: It is such a shame that Midoriya’s talents won’t ever be seen by the world… But I understand that he needed to get away from his trauma and start a brand new life away from the world of quirks and heroes…

*With the Pro Heroes*

Eraserhead: My children are beginning to show their true feelings regarding Problem Child’s departure…. A few hours ago I caught two students of mine crying in their dorms…

Present Mic: Can you blame them Sho? I mean I personally think that the Little listener deserved a better life than the one that he was given…. And I guess something must have pushed him past his breaking point because he left UA grounds in the middle of the night without as much as a warning… I remember the events of that day very vividly… I was teaching Class A English, and Midoriya seemed to be acting strange but whenever I asked him whether or not he was ok all he did was tell me that nothing was bothering him… And then I remember finding a note in the teachers lounge later that evening… I had stayed behind to grade papers before I went to the dorms so that I could go to sleep….

All Might: Yes… Young Midoriya did seem to be acting strange… During lunch, I remember finding the poor boy with his notebook, and while normally that wouldn’t have alarmed me it seems like he was writing a letter to someone… And then I found him texting a mysterious person who I didn’t recognize in his contacts…

Eraserhead: I am just glad… That you and I managed to gather enough information from Bakugou to get Inko arrested… She will be serving up to 20+ years in prison due to the multiple accounts of child neglect and abuse which were filed against the woman… Not to mention the amount of footage that we managed to collect for the security cameras inside of her apartment…

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