Hidden Motives

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(Izayoi POV)

Everyone had gathered around the cafeteria on my initiative to give us all a chance to speak about things in an area away from the body.

I wanted to get everyone out of Siesta's hair since I knew she was playing dead. 

Currently, everyone's eyes were on Denji and me. I sat confidently with an unopened soda next to me, meanwhile, Denji had a cold water that he also hadn't drunk just yet.

"I don't know what else to say..." I sigh, "What would you all like to do?"

"Wait, wait." Sora stepped in again, "Let's back it up some more. Yuichi and Denji are both playing a he said she said kind of game. In actuality, both are lies."

"...Huh?" Both Yuichi and Denji looked at him

"Don't you know?" Sora laughs, "Izayoi was with me."

"Wait, then why did you-" Kurumi was going to ask why Sora didn't bring it up earlier but Sora interrupted her just as fast.

"It's a lie. But just then, none of you believed it was a lie, only wondering why I hadn't brought it up sooner. It's the same situation here. I think both Denji and Yuichi are lying."

"That's not true." Yuichi said, "I know for sure I saw him leave alone."

"Ok, then run down when you saw him and where. Your whole morning routine."

"..." Yuichi sighed, then explained, "I took a shower early morning and got ready to head over to the cafeteria...When I left my room, I saw Izayoi walking alone."

"Ha...." Sora stifled a laugh, but Asuna's eyes dangerously shifted to Yuichi, "Dude...You know you went to the cafeteria before Izayoi, right?"

"...That's because Izayoi took the long way to get here." Yuichi calmly explained, but now that he had trapped himself, there was no way we were going to let him out.

"How would you know that? You were in the cafeteria," Asuna reminded, and Yuichi's eyes darted around

"Well, that settles that. Both were indeed lying. But seriously dude, couldn't you have tried better?" Sora laughed at Yuichi, "Like, it was almost as if you were asking to be caught in a lie."

"..." Yuichi went silent, before speaking again, "I regained some of my memories. Actually."

This silenced everyone. Everyone watched with rapt attention, not blinking for a moment.

"In that small fragment, I learned something. Izayoi has been here before. I don't know how or why, but I was watching Izayoi meet up with a random high school kid in this same area."

"..." Everyone's eyes once again turned to me, and this time for some reason Sora didn't seem inclined to back me up either. "I have no idea. This is my first time being here, I swear on it."

"Once again this is just words. We don't actually have evidence for any of this," Riku said with a blank expression, "However, perhaps we all can retrieve memories. Where did you get your memories back?"

"I was in the forest area and it just suddenly flooded my brain. I'll show you."

Everyone followed, me included. I wanted any proof that I had been here before. It didn't seem possible, but if by some miracle Yuichi isn't lying...

I focused my eyes forward.

However, everyone walked forward except one person. Even his little sister walked with the group, as he stayed back.

Sora looked at the group with cold emotionless eyes, like a king watching commoners get executed.

(Yuichi POV)

That truly was no lie. I had really retrieved memories in this forest area where everyone was now located. But judging from the looks of everyone, it seemed that it was only effective for one person at a time.

"Even though we don't get the memories, it's too soon to say that Izayoi is a traitor or that Yuichi is a liar." Shido said calmly, "Really, it would be so much easier if you could just come out and be honest..."

"..." I looked at him but held my tongue.

I had gotten these memories last night while taking a walk, and I was trying to find an immediate way to take care of Izayoi. It was more than just 'He might be a traitor' That guy is a monster. To have physical abilities like that, it would be unfair to leave him on this playing ground.

I've known for a while that he suspects me, so when I saw Siesta 'Dead' on the ground I took my chance, and gaslit everyone into believing that it was Izayoi that killed her.

While this makes Izayoi more suspicious of me, it is just as true that my suspicions of him are higher than ever before. In the memory, I really did see him walk to the cafeteria with another student, though he looked like none of us here.

'But, I was able to get even more on my return investment,' I thought internally as I turned to look at the dorms, where a girl played dead, covered in blood.

Where she got the blood was obvious: Sakura's Ultimate Room. How she managed to unlock it is currently beyond me, but when I found her dead, I realized her plan.

She plans to spur on Shinra Kusakabe to be used as bait next by placing him in the spotlight. With how worked up he's been about an actual murder taking place, it would only be natural that the traitor would want him out ASAP and do whatever they did to Sakura to him.

But...I will place myself on the list first. I want to see what's going on with my own eyes. That was the reason I intentionally got myself trapped. To act as though I had bested myself with my own words and acted a fool was no more than to just make me not only seem like a bad guy but to take the attention off of  Shinra and onto me. Plus, it was also convenient that I got those memories. That's what really set my plan into motion

(Sora POV)

I waited behind as everyone else left, and took a deep breath. 


Two fools playing a game of chess against one another. How boring. 

Both Yuichi and Siesta were currently trying to control me using any and everything they had. Hell, Siesta even faked being dead.

"Rimuru," I called out, and my surroundings changed.

Once again in that blue and black room, Rimuru watched with an unexpected gaze, "No sister?"

"Not right now," I said, "I'm going to set up the next game. It will be a battle of Seduction. I want the Ultimate Harem Kings against each other."

Rimuru stared at me continuously as I took my seat across from him, "Alright. Any additional bets you wanna make?"

"Yeah." I smirked, "If I win, show Izayoi his memories of the first 10 run-throughs he had of the game."

I knew that Yuichi really had gained some valuable info. While yes, the traitor would want to get rid of him immediately, I am not a traitor. I am the one who is helping everyone else. His tricks to be chosen now are useless. After all, no one else believes him for right now.

"Oh? I thought that those two put a lot of hard work into getting you to choose who they wanted though." Rimuru said as cards appeared in our hands.

"Siesta and Yuichi can play what they want. We're not playing chess like they are, we're just playing a game of War."

We both raised our cards. Mine of Shido Itsuka and his of Issei Hyoudou.

"Start it when Shido is asleep," I say as I place my card on the table. "I won't need to watch this match either, send me back down."

"Alright." Rimuru shrugged

Just like that, I was back in the cafeteria. Everyone else was still in the forest or just leaving, so I was good on time.

Danganronpa: Despair to Prodiges? V3 (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora